N.2 His­tory and wish list

Part I is a draft.

Part II is mostly in a fairly good shape. But there are a few re­cent ad­di­tions that prob­a­bly could do with an­other look. Of course, fairly good is not the same as good. Chap­ter 7 is poor.

In Part III var­i­ous parts sure could do with a few more rewrites. For ex­am­ple, the ther­mo­dy­nam­ics chap­ter is quite em­bar­rass­ing. The chap­ter on nu­clei is an in­com­plete ab­solute mess.

The shape of ad­denda and notes is pretty much like their root chap­ters.

Some­what no­tably miss­ing at this time:

Elec­tron split ex­per­i­ments. Do en­gi­neers need it?? Some men­tion is now in the ba­sic ideas chap­ter.
Quan­tum elec­tro­dy­nam­ics. (The full rel­a­tivis­tic the­ory.) Do en­gi­neers need it??
Den­sity-func­tional the­ory.
Möss­bauer ef­fect.
Su­per­flu­id­ity (but there is not re­ally a mi­cro­scopic the­ory.)