Below is a collection of the deliverables and presentations that were required for the lecture portion of the Senior Design Project.
Ice Breaker
The first assignment we had together was a quick design task to get to know each other.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct outlines the agreed upon set of rules our group follows. It spells out details such as dress code and conflict resolution.
Needs Assessment
This was our first attempt at identifying the scope and direction of the project. The initial concept changed a few times before we settled on our current approach.
Midterm Report
This was our first attempt at identifying the scope and direction of the project. The initial concept changed a few times before we settled on our current approach.
Product Specifications and Plan
This is the second document outlining our project's objectives. It went into further detail about the timing of the project and the specifications that we need to conform to.
Midterm Report II
This is the final report for the first semester of the project. It outlines our methodology, reasoning, planning and current progress.
Mini Poster
This was a small poster made to describe the progress on our project to date.
Operations Manual
This document describes the operational procedures for our sensor package.
Design for Manufacturing and Reliability
A study of how our design corresponds to proper practices for manufacturing and expected lifespan of the design.
Final Report
A final analysis of our design and the process we used to derive it.
Icebreaker Presentation
Part of the icebreaker exercise was making a short presentation. This is the PowerPoint we would have presented if chosen.
Midterm Presentation I
For our Midterm Presentation we had to make a PowerPoint slideshow and explain the goals and requirements of our project.
Midterm Presentation II
This was our first attempt at identifying the scope and direction of the project. The initial concept changed a few times before we settled on our current approach.
Poster Presentation
At the end of the fall semester we were required to make a poster detailing our projects. We presented our posters to school staff, students and sponsors in the atrium of the engineering school.
Spring Update Presentation
Here we presented an update to our project. We described here we were, where we need to get to and how we plan to do it.
Updated Scope and Plan
This was a detailed account of our plans moving forward at the beginning of Spring.
Spring Midterm Presentation 1
This was the first of two presentations detailing progress during the spring semester on the prototype of our system.
Spring Midterm Presentation 2
This was the second of two presentations detailing the progress during the spring semester on the prototype of our system.
Walkthrough Presentation
In preparation for the final presentations we made a new poster detailing our design and presented in the A building atrium.