The Payload

With aid from our advisor Dr. Kumar, Team 24 intends to develop
a payload package capable of taking accurate measurements
and providing scientific insight into fluid flow around rockets.


Currently, we are considering an active flow control experiment to reduce the amount of drag experienced by our rocket. This would not only provide us with sound scientific data, but would also provide for potentially better performance of our rocket.

In essence, we are intending to use micro jets to alter the amount of drag experienced by the nose of the rocket. This will allow for control of the rockets orientation during the initial parachute deployment event.

These microjets will be powered by a compressed canister regulated to 400psi output. This should ensure high velocity air particles moving into the surrounding air.

This kind of research is related to research done by our advisor and should provide some useful insight into the practicality of this approach.

Development of the physical layout is on-going due to the constraints imposed by the CubeSat dimensions.

rocket photo