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     -Vehicle Movement System

     -IED System

Testing Results/Analysis



Fabrication - IED System

The dimensions for the model HUMVEE were found from direct measurements taken from an actual HUMVEE as well as measurements estimated using CAD software and photographs.  Once all of the necessary dimensions for the HUMVEE were found, CAD drawings were created to ensure that the parts could be fabricated with the available materials.  Due to the large size of the HUMVEE model, it was necessary to build the model in a way that it could be disassembled in order to move it.  It would be necessary for the HUMVEE to be separated into pieces small enough to fit through a standard doorway.  Once the CAD drawings were completed and met the required specifications, the fabrication of the model HUMVEE was started.  The body of the HUMVEE was cut from sheets of plywood using a jig saw.  Two-by-fours were used for support and for connecting the separate pieces of the plywood together.  A miter saw was used in order to quickly and accurately cut the two-by-four lumber. 


 Once all of the body pieces were cut from the lumber, they were pieced together using various length wood screws.  In order to keep the system as hidden as possible, the air compressor was stored undelumber.  r the hood of the HUMVEE.  A firewall was placed between the passenger compartment and the hood area in order to keep the air compressor away from the passengers.  The air hose was connected to the air tank which ran to the side of the vehicle.  A switch was installed on this part of the air hose in order to control the blasts of air.  A hole was drilled into the firewall so that the air hose could be passed into the passenger compartment.  This hose was then connected to an air manifold which split the single line into five separate lines.  Each one of these lines would run to their respected air nozzle as seen below.



Each of the five hoses was run against the interior wall of the HUMVEE as seen below. 



The entire length of hose was then enclosed within a small wooden casing in order to hide the system.  The nozzles were connected to the air hose using the designated set of fittings.   Each nozzle was connected to a swivel type fitting allowing some adjustability to different size passengers within the vehicle.  Holes were drilled in the wooden covering allowing the nozzles to protrude at their desired location.



A hole was drilled through the roof of the HUMVEE model to allow the aerial nozzle to be placed.  The aerial hose was run up a two-by-four support and mounted to its proper location, shown below.



In order to reduce the risk of air leaks, all hose connections were secured by hose clamps and all pipe connections were sealed using pipe tape. 

Interior and Exterior views of the completed model can be seen below.


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Mechanical Engineering Senior Design 2006-2007 ° FAMU-FSU College of Engineering