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     -Vehicle Movement System

     -IED System


Testing Results/Analysis



Design - IED System

The IED/Explosion System is designed to simulate conditions around Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) or explosions for the training simulators.  Wind burst will be added to the training module to stimulate the soldier’s senses when explosions occur during the training sessions.  The wind bursts will be software controlled to ensure that the system that the team has designed will operate proficiently when the explosions occur during the training sessions.  The wind bursts will be generated from compressed air at 80 psi.  A hose will run from the tank, located in the storage room, into the HUMVEE to provide wind bursts to the occupants inside of the vehicle. The air bursts will be provided by nozzles located in the top corners of the vehicle’s door pillars.  At door pillar A, the front pillar of the vehicle, a nozzle will be located on each side of the vehicle to provide a frontal stimulation for the driver and front passenger.  At door pillar B, the middle pillar of the vehicle, two nozzles will be located on each side of the vehicle to provide rear stimulation for the driver and front passenger and a frontal stimulation for the rear occupants.  For door pillar C, the rear pillar of the vehicle, a nozzle will be located on each side of the vehicle to provide rear stimulation for the rear occupants.  In addition, a hose will run from a T-fitting (connecting both lines to one tank at 80 psi), from the storage room along the ceiling to where the projectors are located to provide wind bursts to the gunner, in which, four nozzles will be located overtop the gunner in four orientations.



 The IED/Explosion System will have two electrically actuated valves; one valve will be located in the HUMVEE and the other valve will be located overtop of the gunner.  These electrically actuated valves will be used as controlling devices that will be operated by computer software.  Therefore, when explosions in the training module occur on the left side of the vehicle, the electrically actuated valves will only allow the nozzles on the left side of the vehicle to release wind bursts to the occupants inside the vehicle and the gunner.  In contrast, when explosions in the training module occur on the right side of the vehicle, the electrically actuated valves will only allow the nozzles on the right side of the vehicle to release wind bursts.


System Specifications

Based on sponsor recommendations and what the design team had seen during the visit of the simulator, the specifications seen in the table below were chosen for the IED/Explosion System.


IED/Explosion System Specifications


System Component Selection


Electronically Actuated Valves


EVSCO 3P3-Way Valve

For Controlling Interior Wind Bursts

  • Left Burst
  • Right Burst
  • Off




EVSCO 5-Way Single "L" - BEL Valve

For Controlling Exterior Wind Bursts

  • Front Burst
  • Rear Burst
  • Left Burst
  • Right Burst
  • Off




EXAIR 1100SS Air Nozzle











EXAIR 1104 Super Air Nozzle





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Mechanical Engineering Senior Design 2006-2007 ° FAMU-FSU College of Engineering