Project Description
The objective of our project is to optimize a cold-to-warm support structure
for the superconducting-outsert of the 45-T Hybrid magnet at the National
high Magnetic Field Laboratory. The optimization requires meeting all mechanical
requirements while minimizing the load on the refrigeration system.
The cooling system will be theoretically designed and the theoretical calculations
will be tested in a simplified experiment. There are two sub-objectives
of the project. The first is to design the cooling system to help
support the weight and load produced by the magnet, as to not waste materials
space or energy and to have the structure hold up under and perform under
cryogenic conditions. The second demonstrate the validity of the
design (and supporting analyses) by constructing and testing a model of
the support structure. Simple mechanical and thermal tests are planned.
Tee Carter:
For more information about our team's design process and how we created
a solution for our design project, please see our Design Description Page.
Design Page
For more information about our usage of materials (for both the test
model and actual column), please see our Materials Page
Materials Page
For more information about our tests on the model and a comparison against
the intended values, please see our Results Page
Results Page
For more information about our project sponsors, please see our Sponsor's
Sponsor's Page