

The model will be constructed from a stainless steel column which stands 918mm high and has approximate inner and outer diameter dimensions of 86mm and 96mm respectively.  This column does not share the same aspect ratio as the actual support column to be built, but the strength characteristics can be tested using the model column.

Stainless Steel Support Column (in Magnet Lab workshop)

Dimpled Steel

An outer jacket will be fitted to the column in order to facilitate a higher heat transfer rate between the cooling fluid and the column.  This jacket will be made of steel with dimples that jut out approximately 1mm from the outer surface of the steel plate.  This jacket will be fitted such that the dimples touch the surface of the column.  The intent of fitting this outer jacket is to force the liquid/ gaseous helium to leave its natural straight path and therefore increase the travel distance (and also the working ability) of the fluid.

Stainless Steel Dimpled Jacket Sample


Choosing our system was a task guided by both necessity and availability.  Part of effective engineering is considering cost and availability in the materials and processes which are chosen for a project.  Thus, both factors weighed in our final decision for our final design.

The process of creating ideas and systematically reducing them until one final "best" idea or concept remains is described within the attached document.  The document is an excerpt from our final design paper of Fall 99.

 Material Selection Process

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