In this section, we review the numerical schemes used by recent high-resolution computations; such as those of Anderson & Reider [3], Kruse & Fischer [120], Koumoutsakos & Leonard [117], and Wu, Wu, Ma, & Wu [249], among others. A review of earlier computations has been given by, for example, Lecointe & Piquet [123].
Anderson & Reider [3] use a finite difference scheme to
compute the flow at Reynolds numbers , 3,000
and 9,500.
The vorticity equation and the Poisson equation for streamfunction
are used.
Their scheme is fourth-order accurate in space and time. A fourth-order
Runge-Kutta scheme is used for time stepping. To maintain
fourth-order convergence in time a smoothed initial vorticity
distribution is used.
Anderson [7] obtains the boundary condition for the vorticity
from an integro-differential equation, which he derives by enforcing
both the no-slip condition and its time derivative.
At the outer boundary of the domain,
the convection term in the vorticity equation is discretized using
upwind differencing; the diffusion term is discretized
using zero vorticity flux across the boundary.
The streamfunction equation is solved using
the domain decomposition method of Anderson
[8] for accurate handling
of the velocity boundary condition at large distances away from
the cylinder surface. At the interface of the domains, continuity of
the velocity is enforced by an iterative procedure.
For the computation of the flow over the cylinder at
, the
interface is a circle of radius 1.5 times that of the cylinder and it
divides the flow domain into two annular regions.
mesh which is uniformly spaced in circumferential and
radial directions respectively, is used in the inner annular
region; the outer annular region is handled analytically using
solutions of the Laplace equation.
They present data for streamlines, isovorticity contours, drag
coefficient, surface pressure, and surface vorticity.
Wu, Wu, Ma & Wu [249] use a finite difference scheme
to compute the flow at Reynolds number .
The vorticity equation and the Poisson equation for the stream
function are used. A viscous splitting of the vorticity equation is employed.
For the convection of vorticity, the second-order upwind differencing
scheme proposed by B. P. Leonard [127] and the
second-order TVD Runge-Kutta
time stepping scheme
proposed by Shu & Osher [209] are used. For diffusion, the
Peaceman-Rachford ADI factorization with central difference
spatial discretization and Crank-Nicholson
time discretization is used.
For the boundary condition for the vorticity on the cylinder surface,
the vorticity flux obtained from the
momentum equation equation in the circumferential direction is used.
The pressure gradient term in that momentum equation
is found by iteration.
The streamfunction at the outer boundary
of the computational domain is obtained from the
potential flow velocity due to the translation
of the cylinder; they find that this simplified
implementation requires the outer boundary to be located
as far away as possible from the cylinder surface
to obtain accurate results. In fact, their computed
radial velocity along the rear symmetry axis and the
drag coefficient are significantly different depending
on how far away the outer boundary is located.
In the
computational results used
for comparison in the following sections, the outer boundary
is a circle of radius 20 times that of the cylinder.
The computational grid consists of
mesh points
which are uniformly
spaced in the circumferential and exponentially stretched in the
radial directions respectively; and the time step
They present computational data for streamlines,
radial velocity along the rear symmetry axis, drag coefficient,
slip velocity, and surface vorticity.
Hakizumwami [105] uses a finite difference method to
compute the flow at and 9,500; flow
symmetry is assumed.
The vorticity equation and the Poisson equation for the
streamfunction are used.
The vorticity equation is discretized using a second order central
difference scheme. For time stepping, the second order Adam-Bashforth
scheme is used for
and the fourth order Runge-Kutta scheme for
A Fourier transform is applied in the tangential direction
for the Poisson equation and the resulting equations
are discretized using a second order central difference scheme.
A boundary condition for the vorticity
on the surface is obtained, to second order accuracy,
using the streamfunction equation and the no-slip condition.
At the outer boundary of the computational domain, the vorticity is set
to zero and the velocity is taken to be the potential flow due to
uniform translation of the cylinder.
The grid consists of
mesh points
for the
for the
the mesh points are uniformly spaced in the
circumferential direction and exponentially stretched in the
radial direction.
The outer boundary is a circle of radius 5 times
that of the cylinder. The time step
The computational data for streamlines,
radial velocity along the rear symmetry axis,
and surface vorticity are presented.
Loc [133] uses a finite difference scheme to compute the flow at
Reynolds numbers , 550 and 1,000; flow symmetry is assumed.
The vorticity equation and the Poisson equation for the
streamfunction are used.
The vorticity equation is discretized using a second order accurate scheme.
The Poisson equation is discretized using a compact fourth order accurate
scheme. The boundary condition for vorticity
on the surface is obtained to second order accuracy
using the streamfunction and the no-slip condition.
At the outer boundary of the computational domain, the vorticity is set
to zero and the velocity was taken to be the potential flow due to
uniform translation of the cylinder.
The grid consists of
mesh points for
mesh points for
mesh points for
; the mesh points
are uniformly spaced in the circumferential direction and
exponentially stretched in the radially direction.
The time step
is 0.05 for
0.033 for
and 0.025 for
The outer boundary is a circle of radius 20 times
that of the cylinder.
The computational data for streamlines, radial
velocity along the rear symmetry axis, drag coefficient, and
surface vorticity are presented.
Loc & Bouard [134] use the finite difference scheme
of Loc [133]
to compute the flow at and
The boundary condition for the vorticity on the surface is obtained,
to second or third order accuracy, using the streamfunction equation and
the no-slip condition.
At the outer boundary of the computational domain,
a simplified vorticity equation is used.
The grid consists of
mesh points for
, and
mesh points for
; the mesh points
are uniformly spaced in the
circumferential direction and exponentially stretched in the radially
direction. A time step
is used.
The outer boundary is a circle of radius 5 times
that of the cylinder.
They present computational data for streamlines,
radial velocity along the rear symmetry axis, wake length,
and surface vorticity.
Kruse & Fischer use a spectral element method to solve the
Navier-Stokes equations in terms of velocity and pressure.
The computational grid consists of 6112 spectral elements. There are 10 nodes
along each dimension in every element. They assume flow symmetry in their
computation. For their computations at
, the outer boundary is
a circle of radius 20 times that of the cylinder.
Chang & Chern [40] use a hybrid vortex method
to compute the flow at Reynolds numbers , 550,
1,000, 3,000, 9,500, 20,000,
The vorticity equation and the Poisson
equation for streamfunction are used.
A viscous splitting of the vorticity
equation is employed. In this hybrid vortex method, a mesh
is used to solve both the streamfunction equation and the diffusion equation
arising from the viscous splitting.
The vortex-in-cell scheme proposed by Christiansen [56]
is used to obtain the vorticity at the mesh points from the circulation
of the vortices.
The streamfunction at the outer boundary of the computational
domain is obtained by assuming the flow to be uniform there.
The vorticity on the cylinder surface
is obtained by applying the streamfunction equation on the
boundary together with the no-slip condition.
For most of their computations, the mesh has
points that are uniformly spaced in the
circumferential direction and exponentially stretched in the
radial direction.
The outer boundary is a circle of radius 25 times
that of the cylinder. The time step
They presented computational data for streamlines,
closed wake (recirculation region)
size parameters, ``separation" point (defined as the position where
the streamline leaves the cylinder surface, not true separation),
radial velocity along the rear symmetry axis, drag coefficient,
surface pressure, and surface vorticity.
Koumoutsakos & Leonard [117] used a vortex method
to compute the flow at Reynolds numbers , 550,
1,000, 3,000 and 9,500. No flow symmetry was assumed.
A viscous splitting of the vorticity
equation was used (compare subsection 3.2).
The velocity field is computed from the circulation of the
vortices or ``particles"
using a fast scheme based on that of Greengard and Rokhlin
A second-order Adam-Bashforth time stepping is used to
convect the particles.
The diffusion is performed using
the Particle Strength Exchange scheme discussed in
subsection 1.3.3.
Koumoutsakos, Leonard & Pépin [118]
handle the no-slip boundary condition using a vortex
sheet on the cylinder surface; the
vortex sheet is allowed to diffuse, leading to a vorticity flux that
modifies the strength of the particles near the
cylinder surface.
In the computations, the uniformity of the particle distribution is
periodically restored by remeshing every few time steps.
, a time step
is used. For this computation
the number of particles was about 350,000 at time
They presented
computational data for streamlines, vorticity field, circulation,
drag coefficient,
position of zero wall shear, surface vorticity, and surface vorticity flux.
Earlier, Pépin [170] also used the Particle
Strength Exchange scheme to compute the flow at ,
3,000 and 9,500; he assumed flow symmetry.
He used the same fast velocity summation and time discretization as
Koumoutsakos & Leonard [117].
a time step
was used; the number of
particles at
was about 50,000.
a time step
was used; the number of
particles at
was about 76,000.
a time step
was used; the number of
particles at
was about 80,000.
The remeshing was performed typically once every six time steps.
He presented computational data for streamlines,
closed wake (recirculation region) size parameters,
radial velocity along the rear symmetry axis, vorticity
field, drag coefficient, and
``separation point" (defined as the position where
the streamline leaves the cylinder surface, not true separation).
Cheer [42] uses the random walk method to simulate
the flow at Reynolds numbers , and 9,500.
She uses about 900 sheet vortices and vortex blobs; flow symmetry
is imposed by reflecting the vortex elements about the symmetry line.
An Euler time stepping scheme is used and the size of the
time step is
For both the Reynolds numbers,
she presents computational data for streamlines,
closed wake (recirculation region)
size parameters, radial velocity along the rear symmetry axis, and
``separation point" (defined as the position where
the streamline leaves the cylinder surface, not true separation).
Smith & Stansby [215] use the random walk
to compute the flow for Reynolds numbers , 1,000, 10,000,
. For convection of the vortices they use Christiansen's
[56] vortex-in-cell method.
The mesh consists of
points uniformly spaced in the
circumferential direction and exponentially stretched in the radial
The outer boundary is a circle of radius 25 times
that of the cylinder. The time step
At each time step, one to six new vortices are created from
each mesh point on the cylinder surface.
They present computational data for streamlines,
radial velocity along the rear symmetry axis, drag coefficient,
``separation point" (defined as the position where
the streamline leaves the cylinder surface, not true separation),
surface pressure, and surface vorticity.
Van Dommelen [231,237]
uses a random walk method to compute the flow
at Reynolds number and 10,000.
The velocity of the vortices are computed using
the fast algorithm of Van Dommelen & Rundensteiner [233].
A second order Runge-Kutta method (Heun's method) is used for time stepping.
A time step
is used. There are about
7,500 vortices at
and 25,000 vortices