To help in validating the design of our plane, our team worked with Team 507 to conduct wind tunnel tests at the AME building. A 2:13 scale fully assembled plane was printed to use in the tests.
The tests were done using the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) method. This video shows one of these tests being done.
The first test was done with the plane set at the calculated 5 degree equilibrium angle, The plane was facing left meaning the shadow on the left side of the image is the plane's canards. The PIV image shows that the wake of the canards doesn't effect the main wings.
The next test was done with the plane set at the calculated 12 degree stall angle. The PIV image clearly showed that the wake of the canards will interfere with the airflow over the main wing causing stall to occur. This again supported the calculations done by the Aero Design Project teams. With this being the case, the teams are confident that the full size model could achieve flight.