We are currently through our modeling phase of the project and are beginning to construct the preliminary chassis for the rover. Here is a picture of the mining apparatus that we have designed. While it might get a few tweeks in the coming weeks this is the overall idea of it. It has 2 sets of pistons that will be able to raise the structure above the rover and below the ground.
Happy Halloween! Since our last update the mining robot has gone through a bit of changes and tests. We are currently testing a new type of drill to replace the rotating drum as seen above. With this design it will be able to go deeper into the sand and hopefully get to the gravel underneath. To test this we have been creating 3D printed models of the drillbit and have been testing them on sand.
Welcome back! This Week we've developed a new Prototype SCRAP with a mining apparatus Scooby. The current idea is to have a two body system with the mining device separate from SCRAP. Scrappy will be able to move to and from the mining station with reduced weight and allow for faster motion to the dumping site while Scooby continues mining the Regolith.
Welcome to the blog section of the website! The blog will be updated with what the team is currently doing with a relevent picture attached. Currently the team has completed its first prototype of the chasis and is working on selecting a mining apparatus that would be most effective at digging up Regolith.