Senior Design Team 22: NASA Mining Robot


This website is dedicated to Senior Design Team #22: The NASA Robotics Mining Robot. We will be cataloging our research and progression through the school year on this website.

The purpose of this project is to design and assemble a robot for NASA’s 2017 Robotic Mining competition (RMC). The robot must excavate basaltic regolith simulant (called Black Point-1/BP-1) and ice simulant (gravel) while traversing simulated Martian terrain to return the excavated mass into collector bins. Other competition requirements include a systems engineering paper as well as an outreach project report. The systems engineering paper will explain the methodology for the project. The outreach project report will require the team to promote STEM to the community via public outreach as well as social media.

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Our Team

Johnny MacDonald

Zachary Moore

Alex Woodruff

Andrew Svendsen