The goal of the project is to achieve power generation from a water collecting kite in remote island areas in the Mediterranean. The purpose of this project is to provide affordable power for areas that do not have a reliable major source of power. The idea is to harness the energy of the wind without constructing a permanent wind turbine. Conventional wind turbines need a permanent setup and require a high amount of maintenence. Kite power allows for maneuverability and less maintenence due to less maechanical parts.
The kite will be of relatively simple design and construction as to make the product inexpensive and economically appealing. The simplicity of the design will warrant very little service and cost resulting in maximum in-service time. The kite will also be retracted when necessary, thus making it less intrusive to the surrounding environment.
The patent that the design is based off of can be seen in the picture above. The patent is owned by the sponsor, Jeff Phipps, and can be found on the US patent and trademark office website.