Meeting Minutes:
- Meeting with Dr. Harvey (September 8, 2015 @ 11 am)
- Start Project
- Don't just do reports
- We will not finish if we don't start
- Get final reports from precious years
- Reasearch Sub
- Read user manual on sub
- Watch youtube videos/tutorials on subs
- Figure out what we need
- Assess the state of the sub
- Decide what was good and what needs to be done
- Finish Contct Info and Code of Conduct
- Meet with Dr. Harvey every other week
- Look at past rules for RoboSub
- Things to find out:
- Where Sub is
- If ME/EE is going to be added
- Write up Code of Conduct
- Meeting with Dr. Hooker (September 22, 2015 @ 2 pm)
- Look for RoboSub Guidelines
- Take Needs Analysis from last year into account
- Contact either Dr. Clark or Dr. Harvey
- Take inventory of weight/volume needed
- Look for possible ways to make it smaller/more even
- Look at past rules for RoboSub
- Things to find out:
- Where Sub is
- If ME/EE is going to be added
- Write up Code of Conduct
- Meeting with Dr. Harvey (September 24, 2015 @ 2 pm)
- We have alot of work to do
- Make sure everything is feesable
- The competition is in salt water
- Buoyancy is higher
- Cut down area/volume
- Pay attention to heat dissapation
- Dr. Victor DeBrunner and Dr. Bernadin
- Great resources for video/signal processing
- Meeting with Dr. Harvey, Dr. Hooker, and ME Team (October 8, 2015 @ 2 pm)
- We Need to test!
- 1 pm on Sunday (Ideally)
- People on Testing
- Breaking down into 3 groups:
- Thrusters and Navigation
- People on Thrusters and Navigation
- Camera/Video Processing
- People on Camera/Video Processing
- Hull
- People on Hull
- We need to be done by the End of October
- To allow for testing/debugging time
- Meeting with Dr. Harvey, Dr. Hooker, and ME Team (November 5, 2015 @ 2 pm)
- Got Motors working
- Marker Droppers working
- Working on code Modularity
- Sensors (Video & processing)
- Transfering MATLAB code to C
- Water test on Monday
- Possibly work on new Hull while code/thruster gets finalized
- Meeting with Dr. Harvey (January 15, 2016 @ 2 pm)
- Zotac Issues
- New Rules came out
- New Things To do:
- Bouoy Task
- New Dimensions
- Torpedo Task
- Problems with new OS
- Speak with either Dr. Yu, or CS department
- Budget
- No Concern
- We'll be fine, keep it that way.
- Get stuff together
- We need to hurry and get new hull, etc integrated and ready for testing.
- Meeting with Dr. Harvey (January 29, 2016 @ 2 pm)
- Might need new camera
- Zotac Problems fixed
- Opted to revert back to old OS
- New battery for Zotac
- Sub nearing demonstration level
- Final Report
- Make sure to show progress
- Meeting with Dr. Harvey and Dr. Debrunner (February 26, 2016 @ 2pm)
- RGB & HSV is a linear combination and look for routines to implement matrix multiplication.
- Consider buying colored plastic wrap to test different variations with colors.
- Find shapes first then color.
- Implement functions that calculate distances from objects for firing of torpedo's.
- Size ranging.
- Geometry for camera (pinhole).
- Image processing book that is in the library have examples.
- Consider adding light for better colors instead of ambient lighting.
- Low pass filter will be high energy that can be used to compare colors.
- Take the Fourier Transform and use energy values with highest values.
- Calculate energy which is the sum of the squares of the output data.
- Implement the PID.
- Pitch, yaw, needs to be 0 for navigation.