What is the AUVSI RoboSub Competition?
Held in July 25-31 the 2016 RoboSub Competition is an annual event in San Diego California. The competition aims to "advance the development of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) by challenging a new generation of engineers to perform realistic missions in an underwater environment". In January the competition rules were realeased which outline the specific missions that must be completed by the participating teams. Each year a new theme is chosen for the competition and the missions are changed accordingly. The 2016 theme is "A Pirate’s Life for Thee". Seen below is the course layout which shows some of the different missions such as the "Weigh Anchor" task which requires the vehicle to drop a pinger in a bin at the floor of the pool. A download of the comprehensive description of the competition tasks as provided by competition officials can be found here.