
The oceanography department at the Florida State University have developed and deployed an over-the-side instrument package used for deep-sea surveys and for deployment of bottom landers (MILET). This device is lowered over the side of research ships and controlled through a fiber-optic interface. Data collection includes serial, video, and Ethernet interfaces—e.g. CTD instrument, subbottom profiler, HD and analog video, Digital still imaging. The frame and control interfaces require updating. Project team will address mechanical, electronic, and data collection objectives for the MILET-2.

Full Scale Prototype of the final design (units in feet).


The original MILET being deployed in the Gulf of Mexico via hoist.

Material Integrity

Stress analysis of our design with max stress (Von Mesis) of 860 psi and max deflection of 0.006 in. allowing a factor of safety of 47.


Analyzing the real-time camera feed of the MILET at the bottom of the ocean.