The Team
The MILETv2 senior design team is dedicated to the design and implementation of the second version of the deep sea exploration toolsled lead my Florida State University's oceanography department.
I am a senior in the department of mechanical engineering. I will graduate with a bachelor's degree in the field with a specialization in material science. I currently do research at the High Performance Materials Institute. Here I investigate ceramic colliodal processing and apply the knowledge to create tougher ceramic plates to be used for ballistics. I aspire to use the skills I've gained in the program and through research to obtain a materials oriented career.
I'm Kasey Raymo and I'm graduating in May 2016 with a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering. I was born in Chicago and raised in Satellite Beach, Florida. I'm an animal lover. I hope to someday use my degree to work with developing sustainable energy solutions.
I am a Mechanical Engineering senior with a mixed focus in Dynamics and Thermal Fluids. This past summer, I worked on developing lab equipment for Mechanical Systems 1. Upon graduation, I plan to pursue an engineering career in the private sector.