This presentation was a culmination of points gathered from the needs assessment report, as well as the project plans and specifications. In this presentation Group 13 discussed the background of the project focusing on the current machinery that the Munitions Directorate was using, and how the current specimens were not being accurately tested. Then a list of constraints was provided followed by the necessary Need and Goal statements. From these statements it was decided that the project could be split up into 5 subsections. In this breakdown Group 13 analyzed load generation, load application, load measurement, linear motion, and lastly the housing, then compared these topics with their corresponding challenges. Then a plan of action was created and explained to insure that group 13 would finish the project on the appropriate date. In the conclusion the idea was pitched that all of these components could be interchanged, and our further decisions would be based on that assumption. The last thing presented was a rough rendering of the teams concept based off of crude shapes, in a sense that the team would later mould and shape that design to fit the optimal interchangeable components that would later be selected.
In this presentation the final components were selected to build the machine. After the final design was selected, a plan was discussed in order to complete this machine on time, and under budget.
This presentation consisted of the solidification of the final CAD model, and shows the beginning of the machining process.
The purpose of this presentation was to cover the machining of this project up to the presentation date. Also it addressed some of the issues that were encountered during the machining process.
This presentation is an overview of the project from start to finish. It explains why Group 13 made the decisions they did, and solved the problems they encountered along the way.