To test the Micro-Adjustable
Stabilizer Mount (MASM), it was placed in an uncontrolled and controlled environment to simulate any
turbulence that it might experience in Lockheed Martin’s VCCT. This will be
done with the use of two separate tests that will allow the MASM to be
viewed during different working scenarios. A false ceiling was constructed
from aluminum to suspend the MASM exactly like it would if it was physically
located in the VCCT, as shown in Figure 1-3 below. A 20lb weight was
hung from the device to act as the projector.
(Click on thumbnail for
larger view)
For information on Experiment 1 & Experiment 2, click on
the links below.
Experiment 1
Experiment 2

For the micro-adjustment of the device, follow the link by
clicking on the picture.

Based on the results of the vibration test and the
adjustments in the yaw, roll, and pitch directions, Team 9 Lockheed 2 has
successfully met all the requirements of Lockheed Martin; to dampen
vibration levels and micro-adjust in the 3 degrees of freedom. The
Micro-Adjustable Stabilizer Mount is proven to be a working prototype!