Dulebenets, M., Moses, R., Sobanjo, J., and Ozguven, E. E., "Development of the Optimization Model for Improving Safety at Rail Crossings in Florida", Final Report, No: BDV30-977-26, February 2020, https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/54019.
Ozguven, E. E., Ulak, M. B., Moses, R., and Dulebenets, M., "Development of Safety Performance Functions for Restricted Crossing U-Turn (RCUT) Intersections", Final Report, No: BDV30-977-19, May 2019, https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/53940.
Smith, D., Horner, M., Ozguven, E. E., Crute, J., Ulak, M. B., Weaver, L., Puente, J., Denton, B., Whitton, E., and Jones, R., "Transit-Oriented Development and SunRail Riders: What is the Connection?",Final Report, Metroplan Orlando, A Regional Transportation Partnership, November 2018, https://metroplanorlando.org/wp-content/uploads/SunRail-TOD-Report-FINAL-11-18.pdf.
Dulebenets, M., Ozguven, E. E., and Moses, R., "Establishment of Effective Control Factors to Achieve Federal Enforcement Consistency with the Highway Beautification Act", Final Report, No: BE288-4194971B201, July 2017, https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/32868.
Holguin-Veras, J., Wojtowicz, J., Wang, C., Jaller, M., Ban, J., Aros, F., Campbell, S., Yang, X., Sanchez, I., Amaya, J., Gonzalez-Calderon, C., Marquis, R., Ozbay, K., Morgul, E. F., Iyer, S., Xie, K., Ozguven, E. E., Hodge, S., Maguire, T., Marsico, M., Zhang, S., and Rothbard, S., "Integrative Freight Demand Management in the New York City Metropolitan Area: Implementation Phase", Final Report, Cooperative Agreement No. RITARS-11-H-RPI, September 30, 2013, https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/28737.
K., Ozguven, E. E., Sertel, T., and Demiroluk, S., “Implementation of
Manual of
Guidelines for Inspection of ITS Equipment and Facilities”, Technical
No: FHWA/NJ-2011-002, September 2011, https://www.nj.gov/transportation/business/research/reports/FHWA-NJ-2011-002.pdf.
Mathias, J., Skipalis, B., Valappanandi, S., Holmes,
T., Lafontant, D., Ozguven, E. E., Alisan, O, Kaya, M., McCreary, T.,
Roxas, E., and Bush, A., "Sheltering Behavior during the December 2021
Tornado in Mayfield, Kentucky, July 2023, https://hazards.colorado.edu/weather-ready-research/sheltering-behavior-during-the-december-2021-tornado-in-mayfield-kentucky.
F., Ozguven, E. E., Koliou, M., Lieberknecht, K., and Meyer, M.,
"CAS-Climate: Workshop on Resilience Research and Practice in the Gulf
Region, July, 2022, https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2202061.
Choi, J., Ozguven, E. E., and Abichou, T. "Planning for Unplanned Resources: Extending Emergency Shelter Capacity through Cooperation", Research Counts, Mass Sheltering Special Collection, Natural Hazards Center, October 2020, https://hazards.colorado.edu/news/research-counts/special-collection/planning-for-unplanned-resources-extending-emergency-shelter-capacity-through-cooperation.
Choi, J., Sanusi, F., Ulak, M. B., Ozguven, E. E., and Abichou, T. "Significance of Secondary Infrastructure for Shelter Management in the Aftermath of Hurricane Michael", Natural Hazards Center, January 2020, https://hazards.colorado.edu/quick-response-report/significance-of-secondary-infrastructure-for-shelter-management-in-the-aftermath-of-hurricane-michael.
Ozguven, E. E., and Arpan, L., "UHDNetCity: User-centered Heterogeneous Data Fusion for Multi-networked City Mobility", National Science Foundation, February, 2019, https://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1640587.
Ozguven, E. E., Jung, S., and Sobanjo, J., "Senior Community Resilience: Assessing the Interdependencies between Critical Transportation Infrastructures and Implications on Aging People's Households", Center for Accessibility and Safety for an Aging Population, March 2019, http://utc.fsu.edu/cycles/3/FinalReports/ASAP%20Final%20Report%20FSU%20039129%20Ozguven.pdf.
Ozguven, E. E., Vanli, A., Moses, R., Barret, A., and Sando, T., "Travel Time and Roadway Capacity Reiability for an Aging Population: The Development of a Model Integrating Roadway Traffic with Aging Adults' Driving Behaviour", Center for Accessibility and Safety for an Aging Population, August 2018, http://utc.fsu.edu/cycles/3/FinalReports/ASAP%20Final%20Report%20FSU%20036139%20Ozguven.pdf.
Ozguven, E. E., and Horner, M., "Scenario-based Evaluation of Multi-model Emergency Transportation Operations towards Better Decision Making in Aging-focused Humanitarian Logistics", Center for Accessibility and Safety for an Aging Population, May 2018, http://utc.fsu.edu/cycles/3/FinalReports/ASAP%20Final%20Report%20FSU%20036114%20Ozguven.pdf.
Sando, T., Abdelrazig, Y., Ozguven, E. E., and Moses, R., "Micro-Analysis of Collisions in Crash Clusters: Creating Crash Patterns", Center for Accessibility and Safety for an Aging Population, February 2017, http://utc.fsu.edu/cycles/3/FinalReports/ASAP%20Final%20Report%20UNF%20Sando%20Micro%20Analysis.pdf.
Yazici, M. A., Kocatepe, A., and Ozguven, E. E., "Urban Travel Time Variability in New York City: A Spatio-temporal Analysis within Congestion Pricing Context", Final Report, No: 49198-20-28, University Transportation Research Center - Region 2, August 2017, https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/37234.
Abdelrazig, Y., Ozguven, E. E., and Moses, R., "Contextual and Human Factors Simulation Approach to Analyze Older Driver Performance in Intersections Right and Left Turn Scenarios", Center for Accessibility and Safety for an Aging Population, December 2016, http://utc.fsu.edu/cycles/3/FinalReports/ASAP%20Final%20Report%20FSU%20037741%20FAMU%20005125%20AbdelRazig.pdf
Ozguven, E. E., Horner, M., Abdelrazig, Y., Sando, T., and Moses, R., "Needs Assessment for Multi-Modal Emergency Transportation Operations with a Focus on an Aging Population", Center for Accessibility and Safety for an Aging Population, February 2015, https://utc.fsu.edu/projects/ASAP%20Final%20Report%20034609.pdf.
Abdelrazig, Y., Boot, W., Ozguven, E. E., and Moses, R., "Spatial Context Transportation Safety Analysis for the Aging Population: An Integrated 3-D Dimensional Visualization and Human Factors Simulation Approach", Center for Accessibility and Safety for an Aging Population, February 2015, https://utc.fsu.edu/projects/ASAP_Final_Report_034418.pdf.
Sando, T., Abdelrazig, Y., Ozguven, E. E., and Moses, R., "Analyzing Crush Clusters near Senior Destination Sites Using a GIS Approach", Center for Accessibility and Safety for an Aging Population, February 2015, https://utc.fsu.edu/projects/ASAP%20Final%20D-Report%20Sando1.pdf.
Unuvar, M., Ozguven, E.E, and Prekopa, A., “Solution of an Optimal Reservoir Capacity Problem under Probabilistic Constraints”, RUTCOR Research Report, Rutgers University Center for Operations Research, 14-2012, February 2012, http://rutcor.rutgers.edu/pub/rrr/reports2012/14_2012.pdf.