Com­ments and Feed­back

If you find an er­ror, please let me know. There seems to be an un­end­ing sup­ply of them. As one au­thor de­scribed it bril­liantly, “the hand is still writ­ing though the brain has long since dis­en­gaged.”

Also let me know if you find points that are un­clear to the in­tended read­er­ship, me­chan­i­cal en­gi­neer­ing grad­u­ate stu­dents with a typ­i­cal ex­po­sure to math­e­mat­ics and physics, or equiv­a­lent. Every sec­tion, ex­cept a few ex­plic­itly marked as re­quir­ing ad­vanced lin­ear al­ge­bra, should be un­der­stand­able by any­one with a good knowl­edge of cal­cu­lus and un­der­grad­u­ate physics.

The same for sec­tions that can­not be un­der­stood with­out delv­ing back into ear­lier ma­te­r­ial. All within rea­son of course. If you pick a ran­dom start­ing word some­where in the book and start read­ing from there, you most likely will be com­pletely lost. But sec­tions are in­tended to be fairly self-con­tained, and you should be able read one with­out back­ing up through all of the text.

Gen­eral ed­i­to­r­ial com­ments are also wel­come. I'll skip the philo­soph­i­cal dis­cus­sions. I am an en­gi­neer.

Feed­back can be e-mailed to me at quan­tum@dom­me­

This is a liv­ing doc­u­ment. I am still adding things here and there, and fix­ing var­i­ous mis­takes and doubt­ful phras­ing. Even be­fore every comma is per­fect, I think the doc­u­ment can be of value to peo­ple look­ing for an easy-to-read in­tro­duc­tion to quan­tum me­chan­ics at a cal­cu­lus level. So I am treat­ing it as soft­ware, with ver­sion num­bers in­di­cat­ing the level of con­fi­dence I have in it all.