Sponsors and Advisors

Engineering Mentor
Alicia Washington
M&A Senior Project Manager
Dow Chemical

Engineering Mentor
Marcus Rideaux
Global Implementation Leader
Dow Chemical

Academic Advisor
Camilo Ordonez, Ph.D.
ME Teaching Faculty
Florida State University

Academic Advisor
Shayne McConomy, Ph.D.
ME Teaching Faculty
Florida State University

The Project
Dow Chemical currently uses drone technology to collect samples of chemicals from their
storage facilities. The drones collect samples from storage tanks that are tens of meters high.
This speeds up the data collection process compared to having a human collect them.
Dow Chemical is also interested in using drone technology to revolutionize the way we monitor
environmental phenomena. Toxic algae blooms are a major environmental concern since they
can cause health problems for humans and animals. Drones can collect sample data and
accurately locate them using a GPS system. This allows researchers to study the severity of the
algae concentration. Our task was providing a solution for collecting algae samples without
contaminating them and making sure they arrived safely.
Our sampling design has four rooms that will clamp under a drone. with the same mechanism in
each. A small motor connects to a shaft that holds a spool of rope. Each room has a small motor
that connects to a shaft holding a spool of rope. At the end of the spool of rope is a test tube
container that can carry 100 milliliters of water. A magnet attaches to the end of the test tube
container, and an opposite another magnet sits high against the wall of the container. An encoder
inside of the motor controls the amount of rope released, depending on how high the drone is
above the water. Once the test tube is dropped into the water 100 milliliters are collected. Then,
the motor winds the tube back into the container, where the magnets stick together. This prevents
the samples from moving during flight. This design can be used by various drone bodies by
changing the number of rooms that are attached.
This project explores the technology behind drone monitoring of algae blooms and the various
challenges associated with the process. Our design can help people track and respond to algae
blooms, which positively impacts environmental health.
Five young, driven mechanical engineering students at FAMU-FSU have teamed together to tackle harmful algae blooms

Dominic Bellochio

Tauben Brenner

Roberto Lacasa

Matthew Lancaster

Dylan Ma
STL File and Animations
Below is the STL file for our sampling system, as well as animations of our sample bottle collection and the spaghetti affect models.

Uncontrolled Sample Retrieval

PID Controlled Sample Retrieval
Below are photos taken throughout the process of the project, they range from CAD renderings to basic drawings.

Multiroom CAD Model Rendering

Snorkel Purge Valve Sampler
Sample Prototypes Version 1

Snorkel Purge Valve Sampler

Ball Valve Sampler
Sample Prototypes Version 1

Ball Valve Sampler

Prototype 2 Acrylic Body

Plunger, Spring, and Cap from Prototype 2

Plunger-style Sampler
Version 2 Sample Prototype

Prototype Version 3

Plunger, Spring, and Cap from Prototype 3

Prototype 3 Center Body

Prototype 3 Center Body

Prototype 3 Plunger

Current Sample Prototype

Current Sample Plunger

Current Storage Prototype

Current Testing Apparatus
Call To Action
Every year, millions of fish and other aquatic animals die due to complications of algal overgrowth. Creating a tool that allows for relatively easy and cost-effective sampling of bodies of water will allow these algal infections to be found and fixed sooner. These actions would preserve animal life as well as keep tourism strong for these coastal communities hit hard by algal blooms such as red tide.
Future Work
A countdown to Senior Design Day: To-do prior to April 6th
Refined Sample Prototype
Print out final sampling system prototype.
Initial Storage Prototype
Create and begin the printing process of our initial prototype for the storage system.
Design Review 5
Present our progress to our professor.
Specifications of Mechatronic Systems
Create and build prototypes of the PCB circuit diagrams for all incorporated mechatronic systems.
Create the code for the microcontroller and interface it with the radio controller for the drone.
Construction of Electrical Systems
Solder together the final PCB board and electrical systems for final installation.
Senior Design Day
Win best project, best poster, and best website during senior design day.