Mission: Climatic Camera
Dr. Kourosh Shoele
Assistant ProfessorDiego Gonzalez
Design EngineerThe responsibilities of the Design Engineer are, but not limited to, ensuring that the wants and needs of the customer are well understood, ensuring that the sponsor is aware of the current state of the project, and providing the sponsor with feedback and answering/ finding the answers to any questions that may come up. The Design Engineer will be tasked with creatively designing the project prototype. He will also ensure the safety of the prototype. All parts will be made by the Design Engineer considering the machinability and cost of the process. All part drawings will be done by the Design Engineer, and he will schedule drawing reviews with all team members before any submissions or purchases. The Design Engineer will also make sure to maintain and update the website.
Bryce Shumaker
Project ManagerThe Project Manager will ensure that each team member is aware of his or her responsibilities through every stage of the design project. He will also make sure that all members are completing assigned tasks in a timely manner. The Project Manager is responsible for editing each deliverable before the submission deadlines. This includes all reports, presentations, and any other documents required by the project. Once the Project Manager has edited a deliverable, he will be in charge of submitting it on time. Lastly, the Project Manager will always inform the other team members of the project’s progress. The Project Manager will be the main contact between the senior design team and the sponsor.
Nash Bonaventura
Simulation EngineerThe Simulation Engineer will be in charge of the technical part of the project. This includes data analysis, programming, and any calculations that need to be done. The Simulation Engineer will be held responsible for these tasks even when the work is done by another team member. In the event that another team member does any calculations, the Simulation Engineer will thoroughly check their work for correctness.
Due to the small size of the group, team members contribute in all aspects of the project. The responsabilities of each team member remain, but the workload is distributed.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
2525 Pottsdamer St
Tallahassee, FL 32310