Ezio, is team's 301 automated robot design to complete challenge 1 for the Southeastcon-2020 Hardware Competition.
It's name was inspired by the microcontroller that dicatates it's every move, the popular Italian Arduino Mega 2560.
Ezio's strategy is to stack the Lego Duplo Blocks from the bottom.
Ezio will travel the Southeastcon hardware competition in a reverse Pi Order.
The robot counts with nine Infra-Red, and two low power DC motors in order to
navigate through the playfield. Tp pick up the Lego Blocks Ezio counts with a Lead Screw powered by a stepper,
as well as two servo motors attached to a geared claw mechanism. The combination of these two system modules,
allow Ezio to complete the 1st competition challenge in a simple but efficent way.
Wiring Diagram
Electrical system wiring diagram.
Software Diagram
The software was designed to resemble a Finite State Machine. The tasks needed to do by Ezio were
separated into modules, or states. Depending on the amount of blocks stacked, Ezio will use one state or another
in order to finish the task. Each state contains multiple functions in order to modularize the software's implementation.
This type of desing allows for easier implemenation and testing as the project progresses.