In recent years, Cummins has spent large amounts of money for warranty claims on wiring for sensors in diesel trucks. Cummins has decided that wireless sensors are the key solution to combating these issues. The purpose of the project is to remove the need for wired connections from the Engine Control Module (ECM) to sensors throughout the engine.
Providing power to these sensors has not been easy. The project scope is to design, build, and show a way to power a sensor. This sensor must send data of a specific variable without wires to the ECM in a Cummins diesel engine. Constraints include sending data from engine start, returning data quickly, and at an adequate distance. In addition, the sensor must remain ready to work for up to 36 hours. The project’s functions include that the sensor must harvest and supply energy.
The sensor must also sense data. Additionally, the sensor must transfer data to the ECM without wires. Last, the sensor must keep the system at safe operable conditions. We are making a prototype design for a wireless temperature sensor. This design consists of a battery, sensor, Bluetooth low-energy capable controller, and an energy harvester. The energy comes from a difference in temperature. The long-term goal of the prototype is to reduce maintenance frequency and costs by removing cable harnesses.
Also, this project will reduce waste while providing a convenient, efficient product for the consumer.
Future Work:
- Decrease size by further integrating components
- Increase reliability by better protection of TEG and heatsink
- Higher temperature tolerance for electronics could increase the
number of possible applications
- Seek alternative power generation methods and sensor pairs
- Integration of energy harvester and sensor