Project Overview

Cummings Scientific takes over 100 cases each year where passengers in low speed rear-end car collisions claim catastrohic injury. Currently no suitable model exists for vehicular and occupant repsonse at such low speed. Additionally there is a need for this model to consider the impact of vehicle bumper structure on the occupant and vehicular responses.
Data for the models will be collected through live crash testing. For most crash tests currently performed, the test vehicles are not used repeatedly. This is primarily due to the high speed nature of common crash tests. It is assumed that a low speed car crash causes no significant structural damage to the car frame. This project seeks to develop a device that allows for repeated crash testing using a low number of vehicles. Detailed inspections of the vehicle and device will be performed between tests to ensure the validity of collected data.
Cummings Scientific currently uses the dynamic modeling and simulation software MADYMO to simulate occupant responses to collisions and assess the probability for injury. Data from the crash tests will be processed through MADYMO and the models will be incorporated for future use in applicable collisions.