Sebastian B.

Sebastian Bellini

Position: Team Leader

Sebastian Bellini is a senior mechanical engineer studying at Florida State University. Sebastian is specializing in thermal fluids. He enjoys reverse engineering designs and enjoys understanding how it works. He is hoping to pursue a career in design and test of products.                                         

Dr. Wei Guo


Faculty Advisor : Dr. Wei Guo


Phone : (850)-644-3980

Jason C.

Jason Carvalho

Position: Web Master

Jason Carvalho is a senior mechanical engineer at Florida State University. He has an interest in thermal - fluid sciences but plans to pursue a career in the Aeronautics track preferably working for NASA. After graduation, Jason plans to acquire a Masters in mechanical engineering and possibly study further. Some of his hobbies include playing chess and reading. 


NASA Logo                                                                                                

          Sponsor : NASA Marshall Space    Flight Center (NMSFC)

Liasion Engineer: James Martin 


Stephen J.

Stephen Johnson

Position: Lead ME 

Stephen Johnson is a senior mechanical engineer studying at Florida State University. He is specializing in robotics. He enjoys designing concepts and bringing designs to life. Stephen is skilled in 3-D printing and creates designs to print as a hobby. He is looking to pursue a career in robotics.




Michael K.

Michael Kiefer

Position: Financial Specialist

Michael Kiefer is a senior mechanical engineer at Florida State University. Michael specialized in materials science and thermal fluids. He particularly enjoys thermal fluid design. Michael is currently a member of the Florida Army National Guard and loves serving his country. He is looking forward to entering the workforce and navigating all the challenges associated with it.