About Our Team
Jakob Consoliver-Zack
Project Manager
email: jic13@my.fsu.edu
Jakob Consoliver-Zack is a research assistant at HPMI where he fabricates and tests photovoltaic cells. He has a deep interest in alternative energy solutions, however he also enjoys the mechanics of materials. Once he graduates Jakob plans on attending graduate school with a focus in Materials Science.
Jeremy Randolph
email: jsr13e@my.fsu.edu
Jeremy Randolph is a senior Mechanical Engineering student with a focus on dynamic systems. He is currently a Mechanical Engineering Intern at H2Engineering, Inc. working on the design and construction of HVAC, plumbing, and fire protection systems. After graduating, he plans to go into the research and development of automobile powertrains. Also of note, he's the current Risk Management Chair of Theta Tau and the Academic Excellence Chair for the National Society of Black Engineers.
Samantha Beeler
email: smb11g@my.fsu.edu
A senior in Mechanical Engineering, Samantha has received a minor in Mathematics and will be graduating in April 2016. Samantha has been a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and now sits on the executive board as the Treasurer. After interning with Universal Contact Lenses, Samantha has experience in the manufacturing process of custom hard contact lenses and has gained experience with CNC lathes. Samantha also has memberships with the Society of Petroleum Engineers and the Society of Automotive Engineers.
Tyler Mitchell
Mechanical Design Lead
email: tmc13c@my.fsu.edu
Tyler Mitchell is a senior mechanical engineering student at Florida State University. In his spare time he enjoys working out and mountain biking as well as working on cars and motorcycles. At the moment Tyler is working part time at Modern Professional Engineering as an AUTOcad draftsman designing HVAC and plumbing systems. Tyler has aspirations of becoming a professional engineering and eventually opening his own engineering firm.
Dr. Juan Ordonez
Faculty Advisor
email: jordonez@fsu.edu
Dr. Chiang Shih
Senior Design Professor
email: shih@eng.fsu.edu
Dr. Nikhil Gupta
Senior Design Professor
email: ng10@my.fsu.edu
Dr. Michael Hayes
Sponsor Contact