
is a new material, developed by FMC Lithium Corp., that has been
experimentally tested to improve the first cycle efficiency and
longevity of batteries. This new material is stabalized lithium metal
powder. Our project is to develop a prototypal machine to evenly
distribute this SLMP onto an electrode. Although there is a wet method
for applying this SLMP in existance already, we aim to develope a dry
method to disperse the metal powder, which has never been successfully
done in the past. In short, our approach is comprised of a funnel being
agitated by vibration over a conveyor belt to move the electrode sheet
back and forth until the coating is even. Being a new and highly
material, there are many constraints to this project; one of the most
important being that the machine has to operate within a dry room for
the lithium powder will react with any moisture in the air.
Additionally, inside the dry room, experimenters should always be
wearing a face mask and goggles for the lithium can be hazardous if
inhaled or ingested. A tour of the dry room and more information on our
project can be found around this website on the contact and information