Midterm Presentation II reviewed the background research and design features from the Fall with design updates as plans and machining advanced. It also discussed the constraints of each part of the system and how they would be handled. The programming logic and circuitry layout were further discussed. The team then discussed the future plans for the project.
Midterm Presentation I reviewed the background research and design features from the Fall. It also discussed the constraints of each part of the system and how they would be handled. The programming logic and circuitry layout were introduced into the design. The team then discussed the future plans for the project.
The initial Spring presentation was intended to give a fully detailed view of the project design. It reviewed each of the particular components that were purchased and how they will function as part of the design. It also discussed all work done over the Winter break, and a general schedule for the Spring.
To close the Fall semester, each senior design team was asked to design a poster that displayed their project in a professional manner. The college then held presentation sessions in which the posters were on display. Each team presented their project and answered questions during these sessions.
In lieu of midterm presentation II, team 12 was selected to present for the MEAC (Mechanical Engineering Advisory Committee). This presentation included a general background on wind tunnels and possible design components to help explain the purpose of the project. The team then presented on the project's progress thus far, as well as plans for work until the completion of the semester.
Midterm Presentation I was the first of many presentations for team 12. Its intention was to display and present upon the culmination of reports and progress up to that date. The team presented background research to better explain the needs of the project and constraints they faced. They also presented a decision matrix for the outlined design options and why each design ranked as displayed. The team then discussed challenges they had faced up until that time and future expectations for the project.