This project is under Iternational Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR). This prohibits the team from sharing information with non-U.S. citizens. In addition to the ITAR, all team members and associated faculty members have signed Non-Discloser agreements with Harris Corporation. Many technical details may not be shared through the web.
Team 8 is tasked with characterizing the fatigue life of an electronic device used at Harris Corporation. Harris has theoretically characterized the device's fatigue life, but would like the data experimentally validated. The device is comprised of four springs that will be put under stress until each spring fails. Theoretically the springs may last up to 35 million cycles. One cycle is 1 compression and decompression of the four springs. The team's goal is to find an actuator that will produce as many cycles per second as possible. The frequency at which the actuator operates will have a great affect on how fast the team can complete a single test.
- Requirements Definition
- Test Bed Development
- Test Execution
- Results Analysis & Summary
- Standard system gates (PDR, SRR, CDR ...)
- Fall'13 and Spring'14 Semesters