As specified above, the main objective for the project is to transform a RC-controlled quad-rotor into an autonomously velocity controlled quad-rotor. It should have the ability to carry a payload of 500g to a 2.2 kg, which would carry on-board sensors for specific applications such as Gmapping. The methods listed below will be utilized to ensure the objective is met.
We expect to meet the requirements set forth by our sponsors and have a functioning velocity controlled quad-rotor by the end of Spring 2014. The quad-rotor will have the ability to hover, and fly autonomously without failure in an indoor environment. The quad rotor system will also include a protective component housing which will prevent any serious damage to the propellers or the electronic equipment used to control the system, in the event of a crash. This protective housing will also protect the system if it flies into obstacles, and will also protect the users of the system from moving components on the system.