From Left: Maxwell Sandler, Yasmin Belhaj, Samuel Rustan, Andrew Grant, Andrew Guerr
Contact the team at
Project Role: Project Manager
Major: Elelctrical Engineering
I'm a senior EE, who has focused on power and energy engineering, but also communications and signal processing. I'm involved with academic research being done in the Dept. of Chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Harry Kroto. I'm currently doing a directed independent study at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute under the supervision of Dr. Kevin Speer. I'm also an electronics hobbyist, avid Arduino and Raspberry Pi user and "maker" as well as musician.
Project Role: Secretary
Major: Mechanical Engineering
I study Mechanical Engineering at Florida State University. I am currently the president of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics-- FAMU-FSU Student Branch. With the help of the AIAA student executive board, I oversee design/build competitions, coordinate outreach events, and create a networking tool to integrate motivated students into the professional industry. I participated in a research program at the Florida Center for Advanced Aero-Propulsion and currently work as a teaching assistant for an experimental fluids lab. In addition, I coach a successful group of competitive gymnasts.
Project Role: Treasurer
Major: Mechanical Engineering
I am Andrew Grant. I am a senior in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in thermal Fluids. I have been involved in The Society of Automotive Engineers for the past 2 years. We are currently constructing an off road vehicle for the SAE Mini-Baja competition this summer. I am also involved in Pi Tau Sigma, The International Mechanical Engineering Honor Society.
Project Role: Fundraising
Major: Mechanical Engineering
My name is Maxwell Sandler and I am senior in Mechanical Engineering at Florida State University. I have very strong interests in anything automotive, aerospace, or energy related. My goal is to attend graduate school and expand my knowledge towards aerodynamics. One of my ideal dream jobs would be to work for a Formula1 team and design some of the most technologically advanced machines anyone has ever seen.
Project Role: Webmaster
Major: Computer Engineering
I am a senior in Computer Engineering at Florida State University. I am interested in programming and computers.