SQ-SEN-200 Omnidirectional Vibration Sensors provided by:
Who's Involved
Group Member Profiles
Christopher Kulinka is working towards a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on control systems. He will graduate in Spring of 2009 and plans to continue on to get his MS in Mechanical Engineering. Chris is currently employed in the Scansorial and Terrestrial Robotics and Integrated Design (STRIDe) Lab under Dr. Jonathan Clark.
Christopher Redcay is working towards a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on mechanics and materials. He will graduate in Spring of 2009 and plans to continue on to get his MS in Mechanical Engineering. He is currently employed as a research assistant for Dr. William Oates.
Mark Brosche is working towards a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He will graduate in Fall of 2009. Mark is currently employed in the Scansorial and Terrestrial Robotics and Integrated Design (STRIDe) Lab under Dr. Jonathan Clark.
Clinton Bencsik is working towards a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He will graduate in Spring of 2009. He has spent the past year interning with an industrial engineering firm and plans to continue in that field after graduation.