DONNELL SMITH                              [Home Page] + + [A - Team]


    I was born in West Palm Beach, Fl and also lived in Orlando, Fl until I graduated from high school.  I love cars and machining which interested me in becoming a mechanical engineer.  I plan to work for a company that I can bring a lot to as well as learning different things.  I hope to own my own businesses in the future and be very successful. 


Donnell Smith

1802 Salmon Drive

Tallahassee, FL 32303




Objective                    To obtain an entry-level position in the discipline of mechanical engineering

with a concentration in research, development, and design.


Education                    Florida A & M University                                            Tallahassee, FL

Bachelors of Science:  Mechanical Engineering

Certificate of Specialization:  Mechanics and Materials

Minor:  Physics

Graduation Date:  April 2005


  August 2004 -             Senior Design Project                                               

     Present                     Boeing: Electromagnet Actuator Redesign

·  Provided the working prototype for an electromagnetic actuator that can transverse a given distance and provide a given    load.


Experience                         Custy Engineering Solutions                                             Altamonte, FL

January 1999 –                  Mechanical Engineer Intern                                       

July 2001                                       Developed unique designs for a different manufacturers for products.


                  Actual first hand experience in engineering design and fabrications.           


Skills                                 AutoCAD    - Drafted detailed engineering drawings of components

     and mechanical systems

       Pro/E          - Created multiple solid models of mechanisms for visual


       Others         - MD Solids, Smart Sketch, Working Model, MathCAD,

                                                                Principles of Computer Aided Design, and Microsoft Office


Affiliations                                                American Society of Mechanical Engineers


References Available Upon Request


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