Our liquid nitrogen meter is made of of two main materials. G-10 for the outer casing and the YBCO filament which actually measures the level of the liquid nitrogen in your tank. Various wires, clips, and a display unit are also need to complete the meter.
This material makes up the housing for our meter. G-10 has extremely high mechanical strength, good dielectric loss properties, and holds up well under cryogenic conditions.
YBCO stands for Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide
(YBa2Cu3O7). By utilizing its super conducting properties, we can measure the level of liquid nitrogen. It is a pencil lead shaped filament located inside the G-10 casing.
An electrical mutilmeter is required to measure the electrical activity within the YBCO filament and display the liquid nitrogen level within your tank. The Fluke 860 series is used in our design.
An ordinary 30 gauge solid wire is used to make the necessary electrical connections. Mini alligator clips from International Clip are used to ensure worry free operation.
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