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Heat Transfer and Prognostic Model Development

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New Model – Temperature Evolution of Random-shaped Smoldering Objects (TERSO)

Forecasting spatiotemporally variable surface and body temperature evolution of smoldering and non-smoldering 3D objects under variable environmental conditions. The objects under investigation can be of any random shape and made of multiple materials and material layers.

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Thermal Function and Architecture of Natural Structures (Closed Chimney Termite Mound)

Predicting and understanding the effects of environmental conditions and materials on the shape and function of natural structures.

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Building Energy Analysis

While there have been significant advances in energy modeling of individual buildings and urban canopies, more sophisticated and at the same time more efficient models are needed to understand the thermal interaction between buildings and their surroundings. In particular, to evaluate policy alternatives it is of interest how building makeup, canyon geometry, weather conditions, and their combination modify heat transfer in the urban area.

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