Florida A&M University - Florida State University
Jack Toth, Ph.D.

Florida State University
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Postdoctoral Research Associate    

Florida A&M University
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Chairman and Professor    
Dr. Jack Toth
Mailing Address
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department
2525 Pottsdamer Street
Crashworthiness and Impact Analysis Laboratory, Rm# B327
Tallahassee, Florida 32310
United States
Contact Information
Office Phone: (850) 410-6658
Fax: (850) 410-6662
E-mail: toth@eng.fsu.edu
www: Crashworthiness and Impact Analysis Laboratory

private:: (850) 350-9551 or Jack@Toth.net or www.Jack.Toth.net
Ph.D., Dresden University of Technology, Germany, Structural Dynamics, 1999
M.S., Dresden University of Technology, Germany, Structural Mechanics, 1995
B.S., Dresden University of Technology, Germany, Structural Mechanics, 1992
Florida State University, USA,
Program for Instructional Excellence:

'2000 Professional Development Certificate', Sep 2000
'Advanced Teaching Certificate', Sep 2000
'2000 Instructional Technology Certificate', May 2000
Expertise and Research Interests
Determining and improving safety and reliability of complex structural systems by applying:

High-performance computing,
predictive model-based simulation,
real-time monitoring,
finite element analysis,
reverse engineering,
mesh adaptation,
parameter optimization,
memory hierarchies and parallelism,
visualization of scientific results,
software and network programming,
computational and structural mechanics,
and numerical methods.
American Society of Civil Engineers (M.ASCE)
Structural Engineering Institute (ASCE-SEI)

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Special Interests Group on:
Programming Languages (ACM-SIGPLAN)
Software Engineering (ACM-SIGSOFT)

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)
Computer Society (IEEE-CS)
Technical Council on Software Engineering (IEEE-TCSE)

Association of German Engineers (VDI)}
Structural Engineering (VDI-BT)
Sponsored Research
Supervised several large cross-disciplinary research projects conducted at the Crashworthiness and Impact Analysis Laboratory (CIAL), sponsored by the FDOT and FHWA:

'Investigation of Piezoelectric Sensors for Traffic Monitoring',
'Crashworthiness of Public Transportation Buses',
'Vehicle Trajectories Traversing FDOT Curbs',
'Investigation of Bridge Fender Systems for Vessel Impact'.
'Retrofit of Bridge Fender Systems'. Rafal Wuttrich, Jerry W. Wekezer, Jack Toth, Nur Yazdani. ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering. Submitted, Sep 2000.

'Longitudinal Dynamics of Railway Bridges due to Braking Forces', (in German). Jack Toth and Peter Ruge. Wissenschaftliche Zeitung, Dresden University of Technology, Germany. In press.

'Crashworthiness of Bridge Fenders Impacted by a Barge'. Rafal Wuttrich, Jerry W. Wekezer, Nur Yazdani, Jack Toth. 14th Engineering Mechanics conference, EM2000, ASCE., Conference Proceedings on CD. Austin, TX, May 21-24, 2000.

'Crashworthiness and Roadside Safety'. Jerry W. Wekezer and Jack Toth. Presentation and publication in the 18th Annual Seminar, Special Problems in Traffic Crash Reconstruction, Institute of Police Technology and Managment, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, May 1-5, 2000.

'LS-DYNA Analysis and Retrofit of Bridge Fender Systems'. Rafal Wuttrich, Jerry W. Wekezer, Nur Yazdani, Jack Toth. TRANSPO 2000, Conference Proceedings on CD. Orlando, Florida, April 16-19, 2000.

'Dynamical Longitudinal Behavior of Railway Bridges Caused by Braking Forces'. Jack Toth. Ph.D. Thesis (in German). Dresden University of Technology, Germany. Sep 6, 1999.

'Spectral Assessment of Mesh Adaptations for the Analysis of the Dynamical Longitudinal Behavior of Railway Bridges'. Jack Toth and Peter Ruge. Research Journal: Archive of Applied Mechanics. Springer, Berlin, Germany. Submitted, Aug 1999.

'Dynamical Longitudinal Behavior of Railway Bridges'. Peter Ruge, Ulf Pahnke and Jack Toth. Structural Dynamics - Eurodyn '99. Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2: pp. 657-662. June 11, 1999.

Profile Details
Last Updated: Dec 5, 2000.
Individual Expertise profile of Dr. Jack Toth, Copyright Jack Toth.