EML3100 Thermo - Summer 2001 - Notes 5/29/01

This page contains notes on Heat (Q) and derivations for Work (1W2) equations.
Heat (Q) energy transferred across the system boundary due to a temperature difference.

Heat is transferred from the system at higher temperature to the one at lower temperature.

Heat is an inexact differential -- it is path dependent.
SI J, joule
English Btu, British Thermal Unit
1 Btu = 778.17 ft-lbf
1 Btu = heat required to raise 1 lb water from 59.5oF to 60.5oF.
[ 1 calorie = heat required to raise 1 gm water from 14.5oC to 15.5oC. ]

The rate of heat transfer to/from system
Q-dot =   Q  

Specific heat transfer,
q = Q

Heat transferred TO a system is POSITIVE.
Heat transferred FROM a system is NEGATIVE.
Work done BY a system is POSITIVE.
Work done ON a system is NEGATIVE.

Some comments on WORK and HEAT
Links to derivations for Work (1W2) equations.
W for a process where pV=constant
1W2 = p1V1ln(V1/V2)
W for a process where pVn=constant
1W2 =   p2V2 - p1V1
      1 - n
W for a process expanding against a LINEAR spring
1W2 = (1/2)(p1 + p2)(V2 - V1) = p1(V2 - V1) + (1/2)(p2 - p1)(V2 - V1)