Project: DC/DC converter hardware development for
20kVA single phase SST
Project Objective: The primary objective of this project
is to develop a high efficiency dc-dc conversion stage of 20 kVA solid
state transformer (SST) for future distribution system. In addition,
this dc-dc converter is connected to the grid in the power electronics
laboratory at CAPS through an active rectifier developed at MST to
demonstrate the bidirectional operation of 20 kVA SST. This project
supports the SST development at NSF-FREEDM ERC center led by NCSU. The
FSU design using modular structure with high frequency low voltage
device is an alternative approach of NCSU design of high voltage device.
The dc-dc converter modules can achieve high efficiency and distributed
control with plug-and-play capability.
Fig.1 presents the design of new high-frequency
transformer isolated bidirectional dc-dc converter modules connected in
input-series-output-parallel (ISOP) for a 20 kVA solid state
transformer. The ISOP modular structure enables the use of low-voltage
MOSFETs, featuring low on-state resistance and resulted conduction
losses, to address medium-voltage input. Phase-shift dual-half-bridge (DHB)
converter is employed to achieve high-frequency galvanic isolation,
bidirectional power flow, and zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) of all
switching devices, which leads to low switching losses even with
high-frequency operation. Furthermore, an adaptive inductor is proposed
as the main energy transfer element of phase-shift DHB converter so that
the circulating energy can be optimized to maintain ZVS at light load
and minimize the conduction losses at heavy load. As a result, high
efficiency over wide load range and high power density can be achieved.
In addition, current stress of switching devices can be reduced. The
distributed control system is developed. A planar transformer adopting
printed-circuit-board windings arranged in interleaved structure is
designed to obtain low core and winding loss, solid isolation and
identical parameters in multiple modules as shown in Fig.2. Moreover,
the modular structure along with a distributed control provides
plug-and-play capability and possible high-level fault-tolerance. Some
significant experimental results have been shown to verify the proposed
DHB dc-dc converter and control system. In particular, three papers have
been published in the prestigious intentional power electronics
Fan and H. Li, "A Novel Phase-Shift Bidirectional DC-DC Converter with
an Extended High-Efficiency Range for 20 kVA Solid State Transformer,"
IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Atlanta GA, September
Dr .Hui Li, Associate Professor NSF
FREEDM (850)