Manually set time from the Internet

To be able to manually set time from the Internet, in Synaptic make sure package ntpdate is installed. You also need package tcsh if you follow the instructions below. Note that if you have a permanent Internet link, you may have better options than described here.

Then in a terminal window, do

mkdir ~/bin
if you do not yet have a bin folder in your home folder.

In the bin folder, put the script file settim. Edit the file to see what is in there. You will not need sudo if you are logged in as root. Then in a terminal window, do

chmod a+x ~/bin/settim

You will want a menu item to activate the script. Put ntptime.desktop in folder ~/.local/share/applications/. Edit the file to change username into your username or change /home/username into /root if you login as root. To be sure, go into terminal and issue the command pwd. Put icon clock.png in ~/.icons/. My menu item ends up in System/ Preferences/. Don't ask.

Applies to software obtained May 2009.
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