Atom state file coord.d has the following structure:
- Line 1
- A descriptive header string
- Line 2
- The number of atoms NP.
- Variable IDUM. IDUM is set to 0 by make_tube, and to 3 by xmol.f.
IDUM was undefined in overwr.f and read_write.f, so I set it to 0
there, which is what some compilers would (improperly) do by
default anyway. As a result, when IDUM is 3, the .d file does not
have the Nordsieck parameters beyond the first, position, in it.
- 0 (an unused variable)
- 0 (an unused variable)
- Line 3
- The total time that the simulation has run before creating this file.
- The time step in picoseconds.
- Line 4
- The size of the periodic box in the x-direction. Set to a large number
such as 1.d20 to get a nonperiodic computation. Angstrom.
- The size of the periodic box in the y-direction. Set to a large number
such as 1.d20 to get a nonperiodic computation. Angstrom.
- The size of the periodic box in the z-direction. Set to a large number
such as 1.d20 to get a nonperiodic computation. Angstrom.
- Next NP lines:
- Each line is of the form
- Atom counter.
- Atom number.
- Atom x-position in A.
- Atom y-position in A.
- Atom z-position in A.
- Switch, normally 1. Set it to 2 to prevent the atom from moving,
to anything else to prevent the thermostat to affect the atom.
- Next NP lines:
- Each line is of the form
- Atom counter.
- Atom x-velocity component in A/ps.
- Atom y-velocity component in A/ps.
- Atom z-velocity component in A/ps.
- Next NP lines:
- Each line is of the form
- Atom counter.
- Atom x-Nordsieck parameter 3 in A.
- Atom y-Nordsieck parameter 3 in A.
- Atom z-Nordsieck parameter 3 in A.
- Next NP lines:
- Each line is of the form
- Atom counter.
- Atom x-Nordsieck parameter 4 in A.
- Atom y-Nordsieck parameter 4 in A.
- Atom z-Nordsieck parameter 4 in A.
- Next NP lines:
- Each line is of the form
- Atom counter.
- Atom x-Nordsieck parameter 5 in A.
- Atom y-Nordsieck parameter 5 in A.
- Atom z-Nordsieck parameter 5 in A.
Note that the 5th Nordsieck parameter is not used and will always
be zero.