E-mail Policies

Although I was one of the first to use e-mail extensively, due to an influx of inexperienced users it has become a deluge of garbage, and I have had to adopt policies to deal with the mess.

Privacy Policy
If you do not stand behind what you are sending me, DO NOT SEND IT TO ME. I freely quote e-mails I get to third parties. Unsolicited e-mail is never considered private. However, if your e-mail is not commercial in any sense, and you explicitly add a reasonable request for confidentially, I usually obey it.
Quoted-printable encoding
I have wasted more time getting rid of this junk than anything else. If you send me Chinese: I do not understand this language. If you do not send me Chinese: quoted printable is not needed nor wanted.
HTML encoding
This garbage is unreadable for me and clogs my mailbox. Send PLAIN TEXT.
MS Word files
I do not do proprietary formats of criminal companies.
Power Point files
I do not do proprietary formats of criminal companies.
PDF files
Send me the text, not the fonts and encoding.
VCARD files
It amazes me the amount of useless garbage people manage to attach to files.
It amazes me the amount of useless garbage people manage to attach to files.
