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At this stage, the photon-surface interaction can be understood to the
required detail. Figure 3.1 above shows how an incoming
photon of light, ,
If a red Miata absorbs a blue photon and releases its energy as heat, the momentum of the photon is gone. The red Miata has effectively stopped the photon. Because of Newton’s third law, action equals minus reaction, the red Miata experiences an opposite force slowing it down. That would hold even if all the photon energy was emitted again as omnidirectional infrared radiation.
On the other hand, as illustrated in figure 3.1, the white Miata leaves the backward moving momentum of the photon largely intact, assuming a predominantly specular emission. The vertical momentum does change more significantly. But that merely presses the white Miata more strongly onto the road, providing an additional measure of safety at its higher speeds.
(As the Planck-Einstein and the Broglie relations show, photon energy is proportional to momentum. It is not proportional to square momentum, as Newtonian physics would suggest. So if a red Miata re-emitted all incoming photon energy as radiation, and if that radiation was predominantly specular with respect to the incoming photon, then there would not be a difference between the Miatas. Unfortunately, neither condition is true.)
You might of course wonder whether the advantage of the white Miata would not be offset by photons coming from other directions. There is something to that. It should be stressed that a Miata, of any color, in an equilibrium situation with blackbody radiation coming from all directions, will not experience a net force. Any other statement would obviously violate the second law of thermodynamics. And this paper would never suggest it would not. Only the highest standards of scientific integrity are applied in this work.
However, for a moving Miata, the photons coming from the front are blue-shifted. That is described by the relativistic Doppler shift (2.2). This increases their energy, and as a result, a moving Miata on an otherwise equilibrium earth experiences a photon drag slowing it down. Photons like the example in figure 3.1 dominate. As a result, the Miata will experience a photon drag. But a white Miata will experience less drag because it slows down the dominant photons less.
It is also interesting to look at nonequilibrium situations. In particular, on sunny days the photon distribution is far from a blackbody one. Photons come predominantly from a concentrated source: the sun. Now if the sun is in front of the Miata, figure 3.1 showed that a white Miata experiences less photon drag.
You might now of course conjecture that if the sun is in the back,
then this advantage could reverse. That in that case, a red Miata
might have an advantage. Unfortunately, that is not true. Figure
3.2 shows what happens. In this case, there is a
solar sail
effect. This
effect, well established for interstellar travel, actually provides a
propulsive force for the Miata. Now if a photon is simply absorbed by
a red Miata, its momentum adds to that red Miata. But if a photon is
reflected by a white Miata, double its momentum is added to
that white Miata. Of course, the real situation is more complex. A
white Miata is not a perfect reflector, and a red Miata not a perfect
absorber. Figure 3.2 tries to capture the average
situation. Still, the white Miata experiences a much greater solar
sail effect.
There is another important effect that Miata owners often ignore. The high-energy radiation absorbed by a red Miata comes out primarily as heat. Now heated air at the surface of the red Miata wants to rise away from the Miata because it is lighter than the surrounding air at the same pressure. Clearly, that will promote separation, the primary effect limiting the speed of a Miata. True, the rising air will also promote turbulence, which might delay separation a bit. However, it is to be expected that global buoyancy will dominate and separation will be promoted. This will greatly increase the aerodynamic drag of a red Miata.
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On the other hand, current work by the author and Yapalparvi, (in
progress), suggests that the lower surface temperatures of a white
Miata will generate a Görtler
vortex system that may
be very efficient in delaying separation. Figure 3.3
shows the expected motion of the system. Note that this represents
just a very small segment of the thin boundary layer, looking
With the advantageous photon interaction, in addition to the enhancement of the aerodynamics by the Görtler system, the much higher speed of white Miatas is clearly fully explained.