3 Properties

The intensive specific properties are lowercase, the corresponding extensive properties are uppercase:

v=\frac Vm \quad u= \frac Um \quad h=\frac Hm
\qquad V=mv \quad U=mu \quad H=mh

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s= \frac Sm
\qquad S=ms

End exams 3 and final only

Definition of enthalpy:

h \equiv u + p v

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Definition of entropy:

s \equiv \int_{\mbox{\scriptsize ref}}
\left(\frac{\delta q}{T}\right)_{\mbox{\scriptsize rev}}

End exams 3 and final only

Specific volume and density:

v = \frac{1}{\rho}

Pressure and force:

F = p A

Static pressure differences versus height $z$ differences:

p_A - p_B = - \rho g \left(z_A - z_B\right)