Up: Return
- Important Notes
- There is 5% Credit loss (in your total course grade)
for coming in late (more than 5 minutes) or leaving early.
- There is 100% credit loss for not returning the book.
- Please send E-mail greetings to dommelen ASAP so that I
have your address.
- Correct, efficient, clear programs are 60% of the credit for
each activity. Neatness of the programs is another 20%. Critical
thinking questions are another 10%. Definition of the vocabulary
is the final 10%. For the final project, total credit is 200%
split into 150% program, 30% C++ reading questions, 10%
vocabulary, and 10% general computer competencies such as mailing
the correct file and similar.
- The recorder MUST do all typing.
- Programs must be send by ftp to the captain's account,
and from there E-mailed to dommelen using, for example, from
the Unix command line,
. Do not enter into mail before doing this.
- Important Facts
- The code for the door of CEB 230 is .
- The username on the P.C.s is metools. The password
is .
- When creating a project, you need to select a ``QuickWin''
application and disable the ``Microsoft Foundation Classes''.
- Check the course Web page:
Up: Return
Author: Leon van Dommelen