subroutine out(kappa,l,jdim,jmax,ndim,n,x,t,u,io,task) c General information: c Template for writing subroutines out that perform output for the c unsteady heat conduction in a bar. Follow this template to create c new subroutines out that produce different output. c Copyright 1996 Leon van Dommelen c Version 1.0 Leon van Dommelen 12/16/96 c Usage information: c Subroutine out looks for its parameters in a file '' of c the form: c c c c ... c c For better readability, comment lines may be inserted anywhere c in file All lines are considered comments, unless the c first nonblank character is a digit, sign, or a decimal point. c Subroutine out can be called in two different ways depending on c the chosen value of parameter task: c 1. task = 0: c This is the standard call. In this case, subroutine out should c output the solution u(j,n) (j = 0, 1, ..., jmax) if output at, or c during the time step before, time t(n) was requested in the input c file c During such a call, subroutine out may want to interpolate to c the exact requested time using other computed time levels n2 in c addition to level n. In doing this, subroutine out may assume c that the time levels u(j,n2) are stored cyclically, so that n2 = c n, n-1, n-2, ..., 1, 0, ndim, ndim-1, ..., n+2, n+1 are the last c ndim time levels computed, in order of decreasing time. Subroutine c out may assume that all these earlier time planes are correctly c defined as long as t(n2) is less than t(n). c This also means that if there are undefined time levels in c array u when calling subroutine out, the user must make sure that c the corresponding times are not less than t(n). c 2. Any other value: c If task is positive, subroutine out should merely initialize c itself and exit, otherwise it should do nothing at all. c Arguments: c Avoid typos: implicit none c Input: conduction constant (restrictions may be needed): double precision kappa c Input: length of the bar (0 < l): double precision l c Input: declared maximum mesh point index in arrays x and u: integer jdim c Input: actual maximum mesh point index: integer jmax c Input: declared maximum time level index in arrays t and u: integer ndim c Input: last time level computed: integer n c Input: array of the x-positions of the mesh points: double precision x(0:jdim) c Input: array of the mesh times t: double precision t(0:ndim) c Input: temperature values: double precision u(0:jdim,0:ndim) c Subroutine out may assume that u(j,n2) is defined for time c level n2 = n, and for any other n2 for which t(n2) < t(n). c Input: I/O unit to write informational messages to: integer io c Subroutine out should only write to this unit if io is positive. c Input: task to perform: integer task c See the usage information above for more information on task. c External variables and info for compiling or changing subroutine out: c The following utility routines from ../../../lib/util.f were used: c cwrite(module,text,io,show) writes line "text" to I/O unit c "io" if nonzero, and to the screen if "show" is nonzero. external cwrite c fatal(module,text1,text2,text3) kills the program after a c fatal error, printing the lines "text1", "text2" and "text3". external fatal c fclose(module,filnam,io) closes the I/O unit "io" on which c file "filnam" is open. external fclose c fcreat(module,filnam,io) creates the new output file "filnam", c opening it on I/O unit "io". It selects "io" if initialized to zero. external fcreat c fopen(module,filnam,io) opens the existing file "filnam" on c I/O unit "io". It selects "io" if initialized to zero. external fopen c ioerr(module,io,errnum,text1,text2,text3) kills the program c after a fatal I/O error on I/O unit "io", printing the lines c "text1", "text2", and "text3", and possibly other info based on c Fortran IOSTAT error code "errnum". external ioerr integer errnum c iread(module,text,ioin,io,show) reads integer "iread" from I/O c unit "ioin". It writes it and its description "text" to I/O unit c "io" if nonzero, and to the screen if "show" is nonzero. integer iread external iread c iwrite(module,text,val,io,show) writes integer "val" and its c description "text" to I/O unit "io" if nonzero, and to the screen c if "show" is nonzero. external iwrite c rread(module,text,ioin,io,show) reads number "rread" from I/O c unit "ioin". It writes it and its description "text" to I/O unit c "io" if nonzero, and to the screen if "show" is nonzero. double precision rread external rread c rwrite(module,text,val,io,show) writes number "val" and its c description "text" to I/O unit "io" if nonzero, and to the screen c if "show" is nonzero. external rwrite c warn(module,io,text1,text2,text3) writes the warning lines c "text1", "text2" and "text3" to the screen, and to I/O unit "io" c if nonzero. external warn c Local variables: c *************************************************************** c ******* Declare any local variables that out needs here ******* c *************************************************************** c An integer to keep track of whether out has been initialized: integer init c I/O unit for the input file: integer ioin c I/O unit for the temperature profiles plot file: integer iou c Mesh point index: integer j c The lowest value of j to output: integer j0 c The maximum value of j to output: integer jmax2 c Spacing of the j-values while printing some typical mesh points: integer jinc c Whether we warned for insufficient mesh points (we warn only once): integer nomesh c The minimum and maximum values of u: double precision minu,maxu c The j-position of the minimum and maximum: integer jminu,jmaxu c Whether we warned for pending overflow (we warn only once): integer isbig c Total number of requested times at which to do output: integer reqmax save reqmax c Dimensioned last output time: integer reqdim parameter (reqdim=99) c Index over the times at which output is requested: integer req save req c Index req as a character string: character*2 creq c Requested output times: double precision treq(reqdim) save treq c Step size while sorting the requested output times: integer step c Whether the sort changed anything: logical changd c Previously computed time level, used for interpolating the c requested time: integer n2 c Relative weight to give the n2 time level while interpolating: double precision shift c Temporary: double precision tmp c Magnitude of u beyond which we warn for pending overflow: double precision big parameter (big=1.d15) c Constants, defined to simplify changes in precision: double precision zero,one parameter (zero=0.d0,one=1.d0) c Data statements: data init/0/ data iou/0/ data nomesh/0/ data isbig/0/ c Executable statements: c Ignore all negative tasks: if( c Initialization during the first time that out is called: if(init.eq.0)then c Show which subroutine is being initialized: call cwrite('out', & 'Initialization of output subroutine out:',io,0) c ************************************************************ c *********** Briefly describe subroutine out here *********** c ************************************************************ call cwrite('out', & '- template/out.f Copyright 1996 Leon van Dommelen.',io,0) call cwrite('out', & '*** ERROR: You are using the template subroutine!',io,0) c Open the input file: ioin=0 call fopen('out','',ioin) c Read the number of times to output from the input file: reqmax=iread('out','Number of output times',ioin,io,1) if( fatal('out', & 'The number of output times cannot be negative.',' ',' ') if( call iwrite('out', & ' out: Requested number of output times',reqmax,io,1) call iwrite('out', & ' Dimensioned number of output times',reqdim,io,1) call fatal('out','Program limits exceeded.',' ',' ') endif c Read the times to output: if( c Read the times from the input file using function rread: if( fatal('out', & 'Code limit for the number of output times is 99.',' ',' ') do 120 req=1,reqmax creq=' '//char(48+req-req/10*10) if(*10) treq(req)=rread('out','Output time '//creq,ioin,0,0) 120 continue c Sort the times in ascending order: step=reqmax 140 step=(step+1)/2 141 changd=.false. do 150 req=1,reqmax-step if(treq(req).le.treq(req+step))goto 150 tmp=treq(req) treq(req)=treq(req+step) treq(req+step)=tmp changd=.true. 150 continue if(changd)goto 141 if( 140 c Write the sorted times to the output file: call cwrite('out','Requested output times, sorted:',io,0) if(,160,err=810,iostat=errnum) & (treq(req),req=1,reqmax) 160 format(5g15.7) c Create the temperature-profiles plot file: call fcreat('out','out_u.tmp',iou) endif c Close the input file: call fclose('out','',ioin) c Initialize the first requested time to output: req=1 c ************************************************************* c ******* Read in any other parameters needed over here ******* c ************************************************************* c All done with the initialization: init=1 endif c Further ignore nonzero tasks: if( c Check the sanity of some of the arguments: if(jdim.le.0 .or. .or. & jmax.le.0 .or. .or. & .or. fatal('out', & 'Program error: invalid arguments issued to subroutine out.', & 'Fix the program code.',' ') if( call rwrite('out',' out: Length of the bar l',l,io,1) call fatal('out','Length of the bar must be positive.',' ',' ') endif c Find plotting limits for which all points are on the bar: c Find the lower limit j0 to plot: j0=-1 210 j0=j0+1 if(x(j0) .and. 210 c Find the upper limit jmax2 to plot: jmax2=jmax+1 220 jmax2=jmax2-1 if(x(jmax2).gt.l .and. 220 c Check that there is an interval to plot: if( call iwrite('out', & ' out: Number of mesh segments to plot',jmax2-j0,io,1) call fatal('out','No mesh segments to plot.',' ',' ') endif c Check whether there are interior points to plot: if( .and. nomesh.eq.0)then call iwrite('out', & ' out: Number of mesh intervals to plot',jmax2-j0,io,1) call warn('out',io,'No interior mesh points.',' ',' ') nomesh=1 endif c Check for pending overflow: c Find the minimum and maximum u values at level n: minu=u(j0,n) jminu=j0 maxu=u(j0,n) jmaxu=j0 do 250 j=j0+1,jmax2 if(u(j,n).lt.minu)then minu=u(j,n) jminu=j endif if(u(j,n).gt.maxu)then maxu=u(j,n) jmaxu=j endif 250 continue c Warn if too big and we did not warn before: if(max(-minu,maxu).gt.big .and. isbig.eq.0)then call rwrite('out', & ' out: Minimum temperature',minu,io,1) call iwrite('out', & ' mesh point',jminu,io,1) call rwrite('out', & ' Maximum temperature',maxu,io,1) call iwrite('out', & ' mesh point',jmaxu,io,1) call warn('out',io,'Pending overflow.',' ',' ') isbig=1 endif c Output all requested times: c See whether we want to output the current time 500 if( 699 if(treq(req).gt.t(n))goto 699 c Output the time and limits of the solution: if(,550,err=820,iostat=errnum) & treq(req),minu,jminu,maxu,jmaxu 550 format(/ &'Time =',g13.5/ &'Minimum temperature',g13.5,' at mesh point',i9/ &'Maximum temperature',g13.5,' at mesh point',i9/ &'Typical mesh point values:') c Output some typical mesh point values: jinc=max((jmax2-j0+2)/4,1) if(,551,err=821,iostat=errnum) & (x(j),j=j0,min(jmax2-1,j0+3*jinc),jinc),x(jmax2) if(,552,err=822,iostat=errnum) & (u(j,n),j=j0,min(jmax2-1,j0+3*jinc),jinc),u(jmax2,n) 551 format('x: ',5g15.7) 552 format('T: ',5g15.7) c Determine the interpolation to use to the requested time: n2=n-1 if( if(t(n2).lt.t(n))then shift=(treq(req)-t(n))/(t(n2)-t(n)) else n2=n shift=zero endif c Write the current temperature profile to the plot file (the plot c file is formatted for the 'xyplot' plotting program): write(iou,560,err=830,iostat=errnum)jmax2-j0+1,treq(req) 560 format(i9,' point temperature profile (x,T) at time t =',g15.7) write(iou,561,err=831,iostat=errnum) & (x(j),u(j,n)+shift*(u(j,n2)-u(j,n)),j=j0,jmax2) 561 format(g12.4,',',g12.4) c **************************************************************** c **************** Perform additional output here **************** c **************************************************************** c Next requested time: 690 req=req+1 if( 699 if(treq(req).eq.treq(req-1))goto 690 goto 500 699 if( .and. call fclose('out','out_u.tmp',iou) iou=0 endif goto 900 c Exit: c Jump here for various I/O errors: 810 call ioerr('out',io,errnum, &'Error writing to the output file,', &'using format 160 in the source code of out.', &'Check disk space and the format.') 820 call ioerr('out',io,errnum, &'Error writing to the output file,', &'using format 550 in the source code of out.', &'Check disk space and the format.') 821 call ioerr('out',io,errnum, &'Error writing to the output file,', &'using format 551 in the source code of out.', &'Check disk space and the format.') 822 call ioerr('out',io,errnum, &'Error writing to the output file,', &'using format 552 in the source code of out.', &'Check disk space and the format.') 830 call ioerr('out',iou,errnum, &'Error writing to the temperature-profiles plot file,', &'using format 560 in the source code of out.', &'Check disk space and the format.') 831 call ioerr('out',iou,errnum, &'Error writing to the temperature profiles plot file,', &'using format 561 in the source code of out.', &'Check disk space and the format.') c Jump here when done: 900 return end