subroutine initx(l,jdim,jmax,ndim,io,x,t,u) c General information: c Subroutine initx creates a mesh of x-values for the computation c of the unsteady heat conduction in a bar of length l. c Setting equally spaced x-values is not such a big deal, but initx c will automatically add mesh segments if the boundary conditions c require it. c Copyright 1996 Leon van Dommelen c Version 1.0 Leon van Dommelen 12/16/96 c Arguments: c Avoid typos: implicit none c Input: length of the bar (0 < l): double precision l c Input: declared maximum mesh point index in arrays x and u: integer jdim c Input: actual maximum mesh point index: integer jmax c Input: declared maximum time level index in arrays t and u: integer ndim c Input: I/O unit of an already open output file or zero: integer io c Subroutine initx only writes to this unit if io is positive. c Output: array of the x-positions of the mesh points: double precision x(0:jdim) c Unused but needed as argument: array of the mesh times t: double precision t(0:ndim) c Unused but needed as argument: temperature values: double precision u(0:jdim,0:ndim) c External variables and info for compiling or changing subroutine initx: c Subroutine initx requires a separate subroutine: c bc1(kappa,l,jdim,jmax,ndim,n,x,t,io,task,u) c to tell it the left hand boundary condition. c For an example subroutine bc1 see: c ../../bc_1/diri_exa/bc_1.f c For a template for writing new subroutines bc1 see: c ../../bc_1/template/bc_1.f external bc1 c Subroutine initx requires a separate subroutine: c bc2(kappa,l,jdim,jmax,ndim,n,x,t,io,task,u) c to tell it the right hand boundary condition. c For an example subroutine bc2 see: c ../../bc_2/diri_exa/bc_2.f c For a template for writing new subroutines bc2 see: c ../../bc_2/template/bc_2.f external bc2 c The following utility routines from ../../lib/util.f were used: c cwrite(module,text,io,show) writes line "text" to I/O unit c "io" if nonzero, and to the screen if "show" is nonzero. external cwrite c fatal(module,text1,text2,text3) kills the program after a c fatal error, printing the lines "text1", "text2" and "text3". external fatal c iwrite(module,text,val,io,show) writes integer "val" and its c description "text" to I/O unit "io" if nonzero, and to the screen c if "show" is nonzero. external iwrite c Local variables: c Numerical codes for the properties of the boundary-condition c subroutines bc1 for the left end of the bar and bc2 for the right c end. Subroutines bc1 and bc2 must return the sum of the c applicable codes when queried by subroutine initx: c Integer code for a nonlinear boundary condition: integer nonlin parameter (nonlin=1) c Ignored by init_x, but of interest for implicit schemes. If c bc1 or bc2 returns this code, it means that the boundary value c returned by bc1, respectively bc2, varies nonlinearly with changes c in the values of the interior and/or previous mesh points. c Integer code for a periodic boundary conditions: integer period parameter (period=2) c The boundary conditions are periodic, with the mesh point j = 0 c physically identical to the mesh point j = jmax-1 and the mesh c point j = jmax physically identical to the mesh point j = 1. c Since periodic boundary conditions must apply at both sides, if c bc1 returns this code, bc2 must also return it. Otherwise initx c will notify the user to select a different pair of subroutines. c Integer code for a mirror-point boundary treatment: integer mirror parameter (mirror=4) c The end mesh point is a mirror point one mesh cell outside the c actual bar. In other words, the end of the bar is at j = 1, c respectively at j = jmax - 1. c Integer code for a staggered boundary treatment: integer staggr parameter (staggr=8) c The boundary is halfway in between the end mesh point and the c next interior point. In other words, the end of the bar is at c j = 0.5, respectively at j = jmax - 0.5. c Total number of currently defined codes: integer codmax parameter (codmax=4) c Change this value when you add more codes! c Sums of the actual codes as returned by bc1 and bc2: integer bc1cod,bc2cod c Integers that contain the individual codes of bc1 and bc2 integer bc1non,bc2non integer bc1per,bc2per integer bc1mir,bc2mir integer bc1stg,bc2stg c Mesh point index: integer j c We define a second mesh point value k = 2 j so that we can c refer to the mid-points of the mesh. This allows us to deal c more easily with the bar ends in staggered meshes: c The k-value of the left end of the bar x = 0 (default value 0): integer kleft c The k-value of the right end of the bar x = l (default value 2 jmax): integer kright c The difference between the above two k-values: integer kdiff c An integer we will use to indicate an undefined value: integer none parameter (none=-123456789) c Constants defined to make changing precision easier: double precision zero parameter (zero=0.d0) c Data statements: c Mark the ends of the bar as unknown: data kleft/none/,kright/none/,kdiff/none/ c We will keep all three variables at all times current. c Executable statements: c See what the properties of the boundary conditions are: c Get the properties of the left boundary condition: bc1cod=-1 call bc1(zero,l,jdim,jmax,ndim,0,x,t,io,bc1cod,u) c Check for consistency: if(**codmax)call fatal('initx', &'Unimplemented left boundary condition:', &'initx does not know where to put the mesh points.', &'You may need to change the source code of initx.') c Take the properties apart from large to small: bc1stg=bc1cod/staggr*staggr bc1cod=bc1cod-bc1stg bc1mir=bc1cod/mirror*mirror bc1cod=bc1cod-bc1mir bc1per=bc1cod/period*period bc1cod=bc1cod-bc1per bc1non=bc1cod c Get the properties of the right boundary condition: bc2cod=-1 call bc2(zero,l,jdim,jmax,ndim,0,x,t,io,bc2cod,u) c Check for consistency: if(**codmax)call fatal('initx', &'Unimplemented right boundary condition:', &'initx does not know where to put the mesh points.', &'You may need to change the source code of initx.') c Take the properties apart from large to small: bc2stg=bc2cod/staggr*staggr bc2cod=bc2cod-bc2stg bc2mir=bc2cod/mirror*mirror bc2cod=bc2cod-bc2mir bc2per=bc2cod/period*period bc2cod=bc2cod-bc2per bc2non=bc2cod c Handle periodicity: c Cannot have a single periodic boundary condition at one end only: if(bc1per+bc2per.eq.period)call fatal('initx', &'Both boundary conditions must be periodic or none.', &'Select a different pair of boundary conditions.',' ') c Periodicity requires a mesh that is one mesh interval longer than c the physical bar length. This translates to two half intervals; c so the difference kdiff between the left and right end positions c must be 2 jmax - 2 instead of 2 jmax. if(bc1per+bc2per.eq.2*period)then c Check for conflicts: if( .and.*jmax-2)call fatal('initx', & 'Boundary conditions bc1 and bc2 have conflicting', & 'requirements for the length of the mesh.', & 'Please select a different pair of boundary conditions.') c Set the length of the bar in mesh half-point positions: kdiff=2*jmax-2 c Update kleft and kright for the fact that we now know kdiff: if( if( endif c Handle mirror and staggered positions: c A mesh point cannot be both a mirror point and staggered: if(bc1mir+bc1stg.eq.mirror+staggr)call fatal('initx', &'Subroutine bc1 returns impossible properties.', &'Correct the source code of subroutine bc1.',' ') if(bc2mir+bc2stg.eq.mirror+staggr)call fatal('initx', &'Subroutine bc2 returns impossible properties.', &'Correct the source code of subroutine bc2.',' ') c Handle a mirror point position request of bc1: if(bc1mir.eq.mirror)then c Check for conflicts: if( .and. fatal('initx', & 'Subroutines bc1 and bc2 have incompatible demands for the', & 'mesh-position of the left end of the bar.', & 'Please select a different pair of boundary conditions.') c Set the desired end location: kleft=2 c Update kdiff for the fact that we now know kleft: if( c Update kright for the fact that we now know kleft: if( endif c Handle a mirror point position request of bc2: if(bc2mir.eq.mirror)then c Check for conflicts: if( .and.*jmax-2)call fatal('initx', & 'Subroutines bc1 and bc2 have incompatible demands for the', & 'mesh-position of the right end of the bar.', & 'Please select a different pair of boundary conditions.') c Set the desired end location: kright=2*jmax-2 c Update kdiff for the fact that we now know kright: if( c Update kleft for the fact that we now know kright: if( endif c Handle a stagger position request of bc1: if(bc1stg.eq.staggr)then c Check for conflicts: if( .and. fatal('initx', & 'Subroutines bc1 and bc2 have incompatible demands for the', & 'mesh-position of the left end of the bar.', & 'Please select a different pair of boundary conditions.') c Set the desired end location: kleft=1 c Update kdiff for the fact that we now know kleft: if( c Update kright for the fact that we now know kleft: if( endif c Handle a stagger position request of bc2: if(bc2stg.eq.staggr)then c Check for conflicts: if( .and.*jmax-1)call fatal('initx', & 'Subroutines bc1 and bc2 have incompatible demands for the', & 'mesh-position of the right end of the bar.', & 'Please select a different pair of boundary conditions.') c Set the desired end location: kright=2*jmax-1 c Update kdiff for the fact that we now know kright: if( c Update kleft for the fact that we now know kright: if( endif c Choose the still undefined quantities: c Define the left end: if(kleft.eq.none)then c Set the default left end location: kleft=0 c Update kright for the fact that we now know kleft: if( endif c Define the right end: if(kright.eq.none)kright=2*jmax c Create the mesh: c Check the mesh for feasibility: if( call iwrite('initx', & ' initx: Number of half mesh-intervals along the bar', & kright-kleft,io,1) call fatal('initx', & 'At least one full mesh interval is required.', & 'Increase the value of jmax.',' ') endif c Set the mesh points, being careful for round-off errors do 850 j=0,jmax x(j)=(2*j-kleft+zero)/(kright-kleft+zero)*l 850 continue call cwrite('initx', &'A mesh has been initialized by initx:',io,0) call cwrite('initx', &'- init_x.f Copyright 1996 Leon van Dommelen.',io,0) call iwrite('initx', &'- index of the last mesh point',jmax,io,0) if(kleft/2*2.eq.kleft)then call iwrite('initx', & '- left end of the bar at mesh point',kleft/2,io,0) else call iwrite('initx', & '- left end of the bar a half unit right of mesh point', & kleft/2,io,0) endif if(kright/2*2.eq.kright)then call iwrite('initx', & '- right end of the bar at mesh point',kright/2,io,0) else call iwrite('initx', & '- right end of the bar a half unit left of mesh point', & (kright+1)/2,io,0) endif c All done: goto 900 c Exit: c Jump here when done: 900 return end