subroutine initu(kappa,l,jdim,jmax,ndim,n,x,t,io,task,u) c General information: c Subroutine initu returns the initial temperature distribution for c unsteady heat conduction in a bar. c Subroutine initu requires a separate exact solution; c function uexa(x,t,kappa,l,io,task). c The initial conditions are simply set equal to this exact solution. c Copyright 1996 Leon van Dommelen c Version 1.0 Leon van Dommelen 12/16/96 c Usage information: c Subroutine initu can be called in two different ways depending on c the chosen value of parameter task: c 1. task = 0: c This is the standard call. In this case, initu sets u(j,n) c equal to uexa(x(j),t(n),...) for all j = 0, 1, ..., jmax for c which 0 <= x(j) <= l. c 2. Any other value: c If task is positive, subroutine initu merely initializes itself c and exits, otherwise it does nothing at all. c Arguments: c Avoid typos: implicit none c Input: conduction constant (any restrictions are those of uexa): double precision kappa c Input: length of the bar (any restrictions are those of uexa): double precision l c Input: declared maximum mesh point index in arrays x and u: integer jdim c Input: actual maximum mesh point index: integer jmax c Input: declared maximum time level index in arrays t and u: integer ndim c Input: time level to set in array u: integer n c Input: array of the x-positions of the mesh points: double precision x(0:jdim) c Input: array of the mesh times t: double precision t(0:ndim) c Input: I/O unit of an already open output file or zero: integer io c Subroutine initu will only write to this unit if io is positive. c Input: task to perform: integer task c See the usage information above for more information on task. c Output: temperature values: double precision u(0:jdim,0:ndim) c Provided task equals zero, initu will set the values of u(j,n) c to function uexa(x(j),t(n),...) for all j = 0, 1, ..., jmax for c which 0 <= x(j) <= l. c If task is nonzero, u is ignored. c External variables and info for compiling or changing subroutine initu: c Subroutine initu requires a separate exact solution; c function uexa(x,t,kappa,l,io,task). c to generate the initial temperature values. c For an example exact solution see: c ../../u_exa/triangle/u_exa.f c For a template for writing new exact solutions see: c ../../u_exa/template/u_exa.f double precision uexa external uexa c The following utility routines from ../../../lib/util.f were used: c cwrite(module,text,io,show) writes line "text" to I/O unit c "io" if nonzero, and to the screen if "show" is nonzero. external cwrite c fatal(module,text1,text2,text3) kills the program after a c fatal error, printing the lines "text1", "text2" and "text3". external fatal c Local variables: c An integer to keep track of whether initu has been initialized: integer init c Mesh point index: integer j c Constants defined to make changing precision easier: double precision zero parameter (zero=0.d0) c Data statements: data init/0/ c Executable statements: c Ignore negative tasks completely: if( c Initialization during the first time that init_u is called: if(init.eq.0)then c Show which subroutine is being initialized: call cwrite('initu', & 'Initialization of initial data subroutine initu:',io,0) call cwrite('initu','- initializes '// & 'the temperatures using an exact solution uexa;',io,0) call cwrite('initu', & '- exact/init_u.f Copyright 1996 Leon van Dommelen.',io,0) c All done with the initialization: init=1 endif c Further ignore nonzero tasks: if( c Check the sanity of some of the arguments: if(jdim.le.0 .or. .or. & jmax.le.0 .or. .or. & .or. fatal('initu', & 'Program error: invalid arguments issued to subroutine out.', & 'Fix the program code.',' ') c Set the initial temperatures using uexa: do 100 j=0,jmax if(x(j) .or. x(j).gt.l)goto 100 u(j,n)=uexa(x(j),t(n),kappa,l,io,task) 100 continue goto 900 c Exit: c Jump here when done: 900 return end