subroutine out(ax,ay,xmax,ymax,jdim,jmax,ldim,lmax,x,y,t,u,io) c General information: c Subroutine out performs output for solutions of the convection c equation on a rectangular region of size xmax by ymax. c Subroutine out requires an input file '' of the form: c c c c .... c c Subroutine out requires an exact solution c function exa(x,y,t,ax,ay). c The numerical results are compared to this exact solution and c the found maximum and root-mean-square errors are printed. c Copyright 1997 Leon van Dommelen c Version 1.0 Leon van Dommelen 1/10/97 c Arguments: c Avoid typos: implicit none c Input: components of the convection velocity in the x and y directions: double precision ax,ay c Input: horizontal and vertical dimensions of the rectangular domain: double precision xmax,ymax c Input: declared maximum indices in the x- and y-directions: integer jdim,ldim c Input: actual maximum indices in the x- and y-directions: integer jmax,lmax c Input: the x- and y-values of the mesh points: double precision x(0:jdim),y(0:ldim) c Input: the time to output double precision t c Input: the values of the dependent variable u at time t to output: double precision u(0:jdim,0:ldim) c Input: Fortran I/O unit to do output on: integer io c External variables and info for compiling or changing subroutine out: c Subroutine out requires a separate function c exa(x,y,t,ax,ay) c to return the exact solution at position (x,y) and time t. double precision exa external exa c Local variables: c An integer to keep track whether out has been initialized: integer init c Dimensioned maximum number of output times: integer idim parameter (idim=10) c Requested number of output times: integer imax save imax c Index over the output times: integer i c The output times double precision tout(idim) save tout c Indices in the x- and y-directions: integer j,l c Mesh-point error, and maximum and RMS errors in the computed solution: double precision err,errmax,errrms c Number of errors: double precision count c Fortran I/O unit to do input on: integer ioin c Whether a file is open on an I/O unit number: logical open c The previous time at which out was called double precision tprev save tprev c Constants, defined to simplify changing precision: double precision zero,one parameter (zero=0.d0,one=1.d0) c Data statements: data init/0/ c Executable statements: c Initialize the first time: if(init.eq.0)then c Find a free I/O unit, but not the reserved units 5, 6, or 7: ioin=io 100 ioin=ioin+1 if(,8) inquire(ioin,opened=open) if(open)goto 100 c Open the input file: open(ioin,file='',status='old') c Read the number of output times: read(ioin,*)imax write(io,210)imax 210 format('Number of output times:',i4) if( print*,'*** out: '// & 'The number of output times cannot be negative but is',imax stop endif if( print*,'*** out: '// & 'The requested number of output times,',imax print*,' '// & 'exceeds the maximum dimensioned limit',idim stop endif c Read the output times: do 300 i=1,imax read(ioin,*)tout(i) 300 continue write(io,310)(tout(i),i=1,imax) 310 format(5g15.7) c Initialize the previous time to an arbitrary number less than t: tprev=t-one-abs(t) c All done initializing: init=1 endif c See whether we want to do output: do 1000 i=1,imax if(tout(i).gt.tprev .and. tout(i).le.t)goto 1010 1000 continue goto 9000 1010 continue c Perform output: c Write a header in the output file: write(1,1110)t 1110 format(/'t =',g13.5) c Compute the errors: errmax=zero errrms=zero count=zero do 1300 j=0,jmax if(x(j) .or. x(j).gt.xmax)goto 1300 do 1290 l=0,lmax if(y(l) .or. y(l).gt.ymax)goto 1290 err=abs(u(j,l)-exa(x(j),y(l),t,ax,ay)) if( errrms=errrms+err**2 count=count+one 1290 continue 1300 continue errrms=sqrt(errrms/count) write(1,1310)errmax,errrms 1310 format('Maximum error:',g10.2,' RMS error:',g10.2) print 1320,t,errmax,errrms 1320 format(' t =',g11.3, &' Maximum error:',g10.2,' RMS error:',g10.2) c All done: goto 9000 c Exit: 9000 tprev=t return end