subroutine ini(jdim,ldim,io, & ax,ay,xmax,ymax,tmax,jmax,lmax,nmax,x,y) c General information: c Subroutine ini initializes the computation of the convection c equation c u_t + ax u_x + ay u_y = 0 c on a rectangular region of size xmax by ymax. See the description c of the arguments below for information about what variables c are initialized. c Subroutine ini needs an input file '' of the general form: c c c c c c c c c c c Blank lines may be used in file to increase readability. c Copyright 1997 Leon van Dommelen c Version 1.0 Leon van Dommelen 1/10/97 c Arguments: c Avoid typos: implicit none c Input: declared maximum mesh-point indices in the x- and y-directions: integer jdim,ldim c Input: Fortran I/O unit number of the output file: integer io c Output: components of the convection velocity in the x and y directions: double precision ax,ay c Output: x- and y-sizes of the rectangular domain: double precision xmax,ymax c Output: the final time to compute: double precision tmax c Output: actual maximum mesh-point indices in the x- and y-directions: integer jmax,lmax c Output: the number of time-steps to take: integer nmax c Output: the x- and y-values of the mesh points: double precision x(0:jdim),y(0:ldim) c External variables and info for compiling or changing subroutine ini: c It may be noted that if you change the boundary conditions. for c example to use mirror points or staggering, you may also have to c change subroutine ini to change the mesh point positions. c Local variables: c The Fortran I/O unit of the input file: integer ioin c Indices in the x- and y-directions: integer j,l c Whether a file is open on an I/O unit: logical open c Constants, defined to simplify changing precision: double precision zero parameter (zero=0.d0) c Executable statements: c Find a free I/O unit, but not the reserved units 5, 6, or 7: ioin=io 100 ioin=ioin+1 if(,8) inquire(ioin,opened=open) if(open)goto 100 c Open the input file: open(ioin,file='',status='old') c Read the convection velocity in the x-direction: read(ioin,*)ax write(io,110)ax 110 format('Convection velocity in the x-direction:',g15.7) if( print*,'*** ini: '// & 'The x-convection velocity must be positive, not',ax print*,' The problem is improperly posed! Continuing..' endif c Read the convection velocity in the y-direction: read(ioin,*)ay write(io,120)ay 120 format('Convection velocity in the y-direction:',g15.7) if( print*,'*** ini: '// & 'The y-convection velocity must be positive, not',ay print*,' The problem is improperly posed! Continuing..' endif c Read the size of the domain in the x-direction: read(ioin,*)xmax write(io,130)xmax 130 format('Size of the domain in the x-direction:',g15.7) if( print*,'*** ini: '// & 'The x-size must be positive but is',xmax stop endif c Read the size of the domain in the y-direction: read(ioin,*)ymax write(io,140)ymax 140 format('Size of the domain in the y-direction:',g15.7) if( print*,'*** ini: '// & 'The y-size must be positive but is',ymax stop endif c Read the maximum time: read(ioin,*)tmax write(io,150)tmax 150 format('The maximum time to compute:',g15.7) if( print*,'*** ini: '// & 'The maximum time must be positive or zero but is',tmax stop endif c Read the number of mesh segments to use in the x-direction: read(ioin,*)jmax write(io,160)jmax 160 format('Number of mesh segments in the x-direction:',i4) if( print*,'*** ini: '// & 'The number of x-segments must be at least two but is',jmax stop endif if( print*,'*** ini: '// & 'The requested number of x-segments,',jmax print*,' '// & 'exceeds the maximum dimensioned limit',jdim stop endif c Read the number of mesh points to use in the y-direction: read(ioin,*)lmax write(io,170)lmax 170 format('Number of mesh segments in the y-direction:',i4) if( print*,'*** ini: '// & 'The number of y-segments must be at least two but is',lmax stop endif if( print*,'*** ini: '// & 'The requested number of y-segments,',lmax print*,' '// & 'exceeds the maximum dimensioned limit',ldim stop endif c Read the number of time levels to use: read(ioin,*)nmax write(io,180)nmax 180 format('Number of time levels:',i5) if( print*,'*** ini: '// & 'The number of time levels cannot be negative.' stop endif c Close the input file: close(ioin) c Initialize the mesh points. We will extend the mesh one mesh cell c outside the domain to reduce the effect of using artificial c boundary conditions on the computed solution. do 200 j=0,jmax x(j)=(j+zero)/(jmax-1)*xmax 200 continue do 300 l=0,lmax y(l)=(l+zero)/(lmax-1)*ymax 300 continue c Exit: return end